[Red Wings Playoffs!]

[Squirrelly animation by Babs Bunny!]

Acorn Central: Animation, Other Television, Movies, and News Sources

Well rather than boring you with a lot of chatter here, let's get right to the important stuff. :-)
Yes, more important than world affairs, or breaking news, or even eating, is the world of animation! Really. :-) Check out any of following fun places!
Other Television and Related Net Sites.
News and information sites.
Here is where you can get those world affairs and breaking news stories as well (sorry, no food. :-).
Movies on Ye Ol' Silver Screen.
  • Realtalk -- Quality movie reviews of most of the current big movies out as well as some not so big.
  • Showtime Reviews -- Short-cut direct to movie reviews in The Detriot News web pages.

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