Dizzy is a rowdy, hyperactive ball of fur and teeth.
Born permanently hungry, Dizzy is always on the lookout
for something to eat, be it a box of pizza rolls
or one of his classmates from Acme Loo. To Dizzy, most of the
other animals are potential food sources.
Dizzy Devil is Acme Acres resident party animal, always on
the lookout for a happening gig to crash. The other characters
know this, and try to keep their parties a secret, but somehow
Dizzy always finds out. Once there, he's the beast that
won't leave, that one last annoying guest who's still blaring
the stereo and dancing on the furniture long after the hosts
have gone to bed. Dizzy loves having a good time, raising
a racket and eating to excess. Turn-offs include Quiet Zones,
watching calories, easy listening stations and wise-cracking
rabbits who won't let Dizzy catch them.
Dizzy tries to eat his way through anything, trees, buildings,
mountains... you name it! He's a junk food junkie.
Dizzy's long wet tongue is forever hanging out of his mouth.
It's so long that it sometimes scrapes against the ground...
When spinning, Dizzy sometimes gets tangled up in it!
A junior version of the Tasmaniain Devil, Dizzy is the ID
of a kid. He does everything bad that has ever crossed a
kid's mind. But, while most kids have brakes, this guy does
not. The Tasmanian Devil often offers Dizzy moronic and
indecipherable tutorials at Acme Loo.
Dizzy speaks in mono-syllabic thoughts.
(in his whirling dervish mode,
he stops and looks around)
(seeing a rabbit)
&"%&%!!! Bunny yummy!!! $#$##@!!
(gets bonked on the head)
%$$#%*&()+)!!! Ouch*&"%"%$$%#!!
(angrier, then suddenly
##$e%!!!$$#%$"$"%&"%&" Huh?!!!
(seeing pretty girl and
@%$#%$% Woo woo! @%##"%"% Babe!!
Dizzy on a strict liquid and
rabbit diet! @ @@Q3@@-@@"!!!
Jamie Wilmoth
Acorn Central HOME