Our innocent patsy and 'straight man' piglet. He's good
natured, gullible and naively optimistic. He is like a good
little scout who tries to obey all the rules.
Hamton is a highly intelligent, anal-rententive pig with
a food-fetish. He's a worrier who's scared of the world.
Shy to a fault, he has low self-esteem. Every situation that
requires a decision fills Hamton with dread. He's riddled
with doubt, and waffles forever over even the smallest choices.
Hamton loves to eat. He is usually found in the cafeteria,
pigging out, with an enormous tray of food in front of him.
He is a neatness freak; his favorite pastime is dusting.
Hamton enjoys school, homework, the library, fitting in,
and making a good impression. Turn-offs include sloppiness
and people who believe the old stereotype of pigs as slovenly
Hamton is a polite pig with a heart of gold. He really likes
everybody and can't believe that anyone would take advantage
of him or wish him ill. This makes him easy fodder for Plucky.
Hamton is constantly being taken advantage of by his best
friend, Plucky, who can talk him into just about anything.
In the Plucky 'movie parodies', Hamton can invariably be
found as the duck's sidekick. While Plucky fights big battles
against enormous odds, Hamton takes on the annoying little
battles of everyday life. For example, in his kitchen, the pig
battles three singing roaches.
Hamton is intensely loyal. When a horrible monster has the
Toons trapped, Hamton will step forward and try to reason with
the beast. He always comes to the fore when his friends are in
danger; though he is likely to faint after the fighting is over.
Hamton is square. He isn't up on the latest dances or music.
He doesn't know the hip jargon. More likely to quote Shakespeare
than Springsteen, he is a classicist. This, too, makes him
the butt of Plucky's ruthless ribbing. Having two left hooves
doesn't help much, either.
Hamton's home at the Acme Farm is a perfectly maintained
little house, clean and pretty, with a few stepping stones
leading from the edge of his tiny front lawn and garden across
the larger, disgusting mud wallow.
"When do we eat?"
"Cleanliness is next to hoggliness."
"When's lunch?"
HAMTON: Let's see, I'd like a tub of
popcorn, with extra butter, six
orders of nachos, and a trough
o' slop to go, please. Thank
you very much. Mmmm, this is
really going to hit the...
(suddenly screaming)
(suddenly relieved)
Oh, excuse me. For a second
there, I thought you forgot the
extra butter. (laugh)
(singing "Swinging on a
Would you like to swing on a
star, carry moonbeams home in a
jar. And be better off than you
are. Or would you rather be a
Jamie Wilmoth
Acorn Central HOME