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[Squirrelly animation by Babs Bunny!]

The Den - Character Request

Welcome! If you are looking to join The Den MUCK ( port 8888) with a new character of your own, just fill out the form below and submit your request!

Please keep in mind that this is not an automated process. All due attempt will be made to fill your request in a speedy fashion. Though due to real life considerations, it may take a few days or more at times to do so. Thanks for your patients.

Once your request is processed, you will be sent your temporary password via the e-mail provided, so be sure it is a valid, working address. Further directions will be provided in the e-mail message.

Requested Name: 
(Names should be 1 to 16 characters in length, and contain only letters, numbers, or the underscore (_) character. No spaces. Mixed upper- and lowercase is permitted.)

Your E-Mail Address: 
(Please be sure to enter a valid E-Mail address, so that you can be sent your password.)

Where you heard of The Den: 
(Please fill in where you heard of us, to better help us know how to promote the site! Thanks!)

Age Verification: 
(If you are over the age of 18 in real life and wish to access adult-only areas of The Den, enter "I certify that I am over 18" in the space above. Note that fraudlently stating you are 18 or older when you are not is grounds for immediate and permanent banning from the MUCK.)

(Only fill this in if you have some comment or question you wish to add with your request.)

(Please give the server a minute to process the request once you press the Submit button!)

If there is any reason your request can't be processed, such as the name is already taken (you may wish to log into the MUCK and check first) or it is invalid, you will still be sent a notice of such via the e-mail address you provided.

If you have questions or problems with this form, just send an e-mail to and ask about it.

The Den's home page is currently unavailable.

Jamie Wilmoth [Mail] - [Home]Acorn Central HOME
