[Red Wings Playoffs!]

[Squirrelly animation by Babs Bunny!]

NHL 2011-2012 Standings

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Symbol Key:

  • Rank Now: Actual, current rank
  • Rank Best: Best possible rank
  • Rank Est: Estimated final rank
  • Rank Worst: Worst possible rank
  • Team: Team name
  • Div: Division
  • Pts: Current Points
  • GP: Games Played
  • GL: Games Left
  • Win: Current Wins
  • Best: Best possible number of Points
  • Est: Estimated final number of Points

Color Key:

  • Conference Champ
  • Division Champ
  • GREEN: Locked playoff position
  • BLUE: Clinched a playoff position
  • WHITE: In playoff contention
  • GRAY: Out of playoff contention

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