============================================================================== Tiny Toon Adventures REFERENCE GUIDE version 03.01.94 ============================================================================== Copyright(c)1994,1995 Synthmedia Ltd. synth@swcp.com vince@synthmedia.com Do not reproduce this document without explicit permission. Please Note: this is a dated document! It has not been updated since 3/1/94, and there are no plans to do so in the future, sorry. ----- my eternal thanks to: Nick Sayer John H. Kim mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us jokim@jarthur.claremont.edu Chris Adamson Tim Susman plucky@umcc.ais.org furrball@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu Kevin J. Podsiadlik Robert Jung hampton@ais.org rjung@netcom.com Charles Brabec Will Bell brabec@pysgjb.ncsu.edu wbb@netcom.com Robert S Ferguson asrsf@camelot.acf-lab.alaska.edu ----- INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: This Reference Guide features the main credits for each episode of TINY TOON ADVENTURES, including official production title, first airdate, writers, directors, toon cast list, voiceover artists, animation houses, and -- of course -- the "gag" credit and end tag. Also to be found embedded within its depths are comments, gripes, praises, noteworthy observations and other witty asides made by folks on the Usenet newsgroup alt.tv.tiny-toon. Give 'em a hand, won't you ... CONTENTS: 1. Alphabetical Index of Episode Titles 2. Alphabetical Index of Shorts Titles 3. Chronological Listing of Episodes: First Season (1990-1991) 4. Chronological Listing of Episodes: Second Season (1991-1992) 5. Chronological Listing of Episodes: Third Season (1992-1993) Episodes are listed according to first airdate on TINY TOON ADVENTURES in the United States. (Some episodes or shorts may have debuted prior to TTA on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW; TPDS airdate information is given in context of the TTA listing. Indexes give TTA airdates only.) All episode titles are the official Warner production titles. Some official titles may not actually appear in the episode (i.e. multi-shorts episodes). Yes, this is good old-fashioned TEXT -- none of that fancy new-fangled Hyper- Mosaic-AmigaGuide-Text-Stuff here! Using a text editor to search titles and episode numbers, guest stars, etc. is your best bet for navigating through this beast to find your favorite episodes. Another suggestion: import this file into WordPerfect or MS Word (or whatever), use a really TINY font, set your Laserjet for double-sided printing, and voila'! a great coffee-table- book-slash-vcr-companion. Any comments, error correction, criticisms, or general reports of citizens in peril brought to the attention of the editor are most appreciated. Selected commentaries (many email addresses are now defunct): AMG - Andrew Marc Greene amgreene@athena.mit.edu APY - August Paul Yang wntrmute@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu ASF - Amberle S Ferrian amberle@staff.tc.umn.edu BA - Bluejay Adametz bluejay@feathr.enet.dec.com CA - Chris Adamson plucky@irie.ais.org CB - Charles Brabec brabec@pysgjb.ncsu.edu CBz - Chris Bovitz gopher@yar.cs.wisc.edu DG - David Gerstein david.a.gerstein@williams.edu DM - Douglas Moody dgm5@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu DP - David Pochron pochron@picard.cs.wisc.edu EVL - Eric Ant Von Laudermann drwho@wpi.wpi.edu EW - Eric Walker eric.walker@channel1.com FWS - Francis William Stroker Jr. fws1@quads.uchicago.edu GM - George Mhyre gribbish@stein.u.washington.edu JB - Jerry Boyajian boyajian@ruby.enet.dec.com JJ - John Jung jjung@aludra.usc.edu JK - John H. Kim jokim@jarthur.claremont.edu JfK - Jeffrey Klein klein@frith.egr.msu.edu JL - Joe Leitsch jaleit01@ulkyvx03.louisville.edu JLw - Jenny Lerew jlerew@weird.miami.fl.us JW - Jeff Wojtalewicz (Wojo) jmwojtal@vela.acs.oakland.edu JSW - Jamie S. Wilmoth wilmoth@buster.cps.msu.edu KP - Kevin Podsiadlik hampton@ais.org MB - Minglewood Barkeep mingle@west.darkside.com MBz - Mark Boltz boltz@vivaldi.psu.edu MH - Marc Hart iaexp000@blurt.oswego.edu MK - Matthew Kliesner mkliesne@nyx.cs.du.edu MFI - Mike from Ithaca heyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu NP - Nomi Pearlman pearlman@acs.bu.edu NS - Nick Sayer mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us RD - Ron Dippold rdippold@maui.qualcomm.com RJ - Robert Jung rjung@usc.edu SN - Snugglebear asa3@ellis.uchicago.edu SS - Sally Smith sallylb@netcom.com TH - Tom Hancock hancock@inland.com TN - Tony Nowikowski nowikoam@ucbeh.san.uc.edu TS - Tim Susman as250@cleveland.freenet.edu VGR - VGR (Craig Pell) vgriscep@wam.umd.edu VR - Victor Ramirez demovar@iitmax.iit.edu WB - Will Bell bell@cs.tamu.edu ed. - .:::::. EMBARRASINGLY VERBOSE DISCLAIMER: "Tiny Toon Adventures", characters, stories and all likenesses thereof are trademarks of Time Warner Inc. and Amblin Entertainment, and are used in the TTA Reference Guide without permission. This guide is intended solely for the non-profit sharing of information for fans of TTA. The contents and format of the TTA Reference Guide is Copyright (c)1994 Vincent L. Mora/Synthmedia Ltd., and may NOT be sold or used for profit. Electronic and print reproduction for the purpose of personal information sharing is permitted, provided you do not alter the format or contents of this document in any way. Commercial services such as CompuServe, Prodigy, America On-Line, etc. may only carry this file as a Usenet posting transmitted via the Internet. Reproduction on CD-ROM is expressly forbidden. Please deposit litter in trash receptacles. And now, back to the action ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alphabetical Index of Episode Titles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE LOCATION Acme Acres Zone, The .................... 10/03/90 Acme Bowl, The .......................... 11/16/90 Acme Cable TV ........................... 11/11/91 Acme Home Shopping Show, The ............ 02/06/91 Animaniacs! ............................. 11/12/90 Ask Mr. Popular ......................... 12/05/90 Best of Buster Day ...................... 11/23/92 Best o' Plucky Duck ..................... 11/21/90 Brave Tales of Real Rabbits ............. 02/18/91 Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian ............. 11/18/91 Buster and the Wolverine ................ 10/19/90 Buster Bunny Bunch, The ................. 09/20/90 Buster Bunny Time ....................... see It's Buster Bunny Time Buster's Directorial Debut .............. 11/02/92 Call of the Wild, The ................... see Wake Up Call of the Wild Career Oppor-toon-ities ................. 11/13/90 Cat's Eye View, A ....................... 11/17/92 Cinemaniacs ............................. 10/10/90 Citizen Max ............................. 10/15/90 Dating, Acme Acres Style ................ 11/19/90 Ditch in Time, A ........................ 11/09/90 Elephant Issue .......................... 09/18/91 Europe in 30 Minutes .................... 10/26/90 Fairy Tales for the 90's ................ 12/12/90 Fields of Honey ......................... 11/02/90 Flea For Your Life ...................... 09/18/92 Fox Trot................................. 09/16/92 Furrball Follies ........................ 10/02/90 Gang Busters ............................ 10/12/90 Going Places ............................ 09/17/91 Grandma's Dead .......................... 11/10/92 Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow ............... 10/09/90 Hare-Raising Night ...................... 10/01/90 Henny Youngman Day ...................... 11/22/91 Here's Hamton ........................... 02/21/91 Hero Hamton ............................. 11/23/90 Her Wacky Highness ...................... 09/21/90 High Toon ............................... 03/29/91 Hog Wild Hamton ......................... 09/19/91 Hollywood Plucky ........................ 10/23/90 Horror of Slumber Party Mountain, The ... 11/12/92 How I Spent My Vacation ................. 03/11/92 How Sweetie It Is ....................... 02/19/91 Inside Plucky Duck ...................... 11/15/90 It's A Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas ... 12/06/92 It's Buster Bunny Time .................. 09/26/90 Journey to the Center of Acme Acres ..... 09/24/90 KACME TV ................................ 02/26/91 Kon Ducki ............................... 02/10/92 Life in the 90's ........................ 10/04/90 Looking Out for the Little Guy .......... 09/27/90 Looney Beginning, The ................... 09/14/90 Looniversity Days ....................... 11/20/90 Love Disconnection ...................... 11/25/91 Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool ............. 12/10/90 Music Day ............................... 11/11/92 New Character Day ....................... 02/20/91 New Class Day ........................... 09/15/92 No Toon Is An Island .................... 02/25/91 Playtime Toons .......................... 09/20/91 Pledge Week ............................. 09/16/91 Pollution Solution ...................... 02/14/91 Prom-ise Her Anything ................... 10/08/90 Psychic Fun-omenon Day .................. 11/07/90 Quack in the Quarks, A .................. 09/17/90 Rainy Daze .............................. 11/01/90 Return of Batduck ....................... 09/19/92 Return of the Acme Acres Zone, The ...... 02/04/91 Rock 'n Roar ............................ 10/05/90 Sawdust and Toonsil ..................... 11/05/90 Sepulveda Boulevard ..................... 02/17/92 Son of Looniversity Daze ................ 12/07/90 Son of Wacko World of Sports ............ 02/12/91 Sports Shorts ........................... 11/13/92 Spring in Acme Acres .................... 11/06/90 Starting from Scratch ................... 09/28/90 Strange Tales of Weird Science .......... 11/14/90 Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night ....... 09/25/90 Take Elmyra Please ...................... 02/24/92 Test Stress ............................. 09/19/90 Thirteensomething ....................... 09/14/92 Tiny Toon Music Television .............. 02/01/91 Toon Physics ............................ 11/04/91 Toon TV ................................. 11/09/92 Toons from the Crypt .................... 00/00/92 Toons Take Over ......................... 09/21/92 Two-Tone Town ........................... 09/28/92 Viewer Mail Day ......................... 02/11/91 Wacko World of Sports, The .............. 10/30/90 Wake Up Call of the Wild ................ 10/17/90 Washingtoon ............................. 11/04/92 Weekday Afternoon Live .................. 11/16/92 Weirdest Story Ever Told ................ 02/08/91 Whale's Tales ........................... 11/26/90 What Makes Toons Tick ................... 09/17/92 Wheel o' Comedy, The .................... 09/18/90 Who Bopped Bugs Bunny? .................. 12/14/90 Wide World of Elmyra, The ............... 11/08/90 You Asked For It ........................ 10/11/90 You Asked For It Part II ................ 10/22/90 You Asked For It Again .................. 02/15/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alphabetical Index of Shorts Titles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHORT EPISODE Acme Acres Summer Olympics .............. see Son of Wacko World of Sports Amazing Three, The ...................... see Love Disconnection America's Least Wanted .................. see Here's Hamton And All That Rot ........................ see Brave Tales of Real Rabbits Anvil Chorus, The ....................... see It's Buster Bunny Time Aroma Amore ............................. see Furrball Follies Awful Orphan ............................ see Looking Out for the Little Guy Bacon Strip, A .......................... see Acme Acres Zone Bag That Bunny .......................... see It's Buster Bunny Time Bat's All Folks ......................... see Inside Plucky Duck Bear Necessities ........................ see Fairy Tales for the 90's Bird-Dog Afternoon ...................... see Looking Out for the Little Guy Bleacher Bummer ......................... see Wacko World of Sports Boo Ha Ha ............................... see Return of the Acme Acres Zone Born To Be Riled ........................ see Buster Bunny Bunch Buffed Bunny ............................ see Buster Bunny Bunch Bunnochio ............................... see Fairy Tales for the 90's Bunny Daze .............................. see Rainy Daze Buster at the Bat ....................... see Son of Wacko World of Sports Buster's Guide to Dating ................ see Dating, Acme Acres Style Buster's Guide to Goofing Off ........... see You Asked For It Again Buster's Guide to Part Time Jobs ........ see Career Oppor-toon-ities Buster's New Bike ....................... see Son of Wacko World of Sports Butt Out ................................ see Life in the 90's Buttering Up the Buttfields ............. see Viewer Mail Day Can't Buy Me Love ....................... see Fox Trot C Flat or B Sharp? ...................... see Son of Looniversity Daze Class Cut Up ............................ see Psychic Fun-omenon Day Class Without Class ..................... see Best of Buster Day C.L.I.D.E. and Prejudice ................ see Elephant Issue Compromising Principals ................. see Best of Buster Day Cross Country Kitty ..................... see Furrball Follies Cub for Grub, A ......................... see Toon Physics Dapper Diz .............................. see Ask Mr. Popular Day for Knight .......................... see Brave Tales of Real Rabbits Debutante Devil ......................... see You Asked For It Devil Doggie ............................ see Wheel o' Comedy Drawn and Buttered ...................... see Here's Hamton Dream Date Game ......................... see Dating, Acme Acres Style Drooley Davey ........................... see Wide World of Elmyra Duck Dodgers Jr. ........................ see Return of the Acme Acres Zone Ducklahoma .............................. see Buster's Directorial Debut Duck out of Luck ........................ see You Asked For It Duck Trek ............................... see Cinemaniacs Duck in the Dark ........................ see Best o' Plucky Duck Duck in the Muck ........................ see Strange Tales of Weird Science Easy Biter .............................. see Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night Eating Between the Lines ................ see Looniversity Days Egged On Eagle .......................... see How Sweetie It Is Elmyra at the Mall ...................... see You Asked For It Again Elmyra's Round the World! ............... see Weirdest Story Ever Told Elmyra's Spring Cleaning ................ see Spring in Acme Acres Falling to Pizzas ....................... see Career Oppor-toon-ities Fang You Very Much ...................... see Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night Fit To Be Stewed ........................ see Buster's Directorial Debut Fit To Be Toyed ......................... see Playtime Toons Fur-Gone Conclusion ..................... see Rainy Daze Go Fetch ................................ see Wide World of Elmyra Going Up ................................ see What Makes Toons Tick Happy Birthday Hamton ................... see Playtime Toons Hold the Sugar .......................... see You Asked For It Again Homeward Bound .......................... see A Cat's Eye View Home Wrecker ............................ see Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night Horn Blows At Lunchtime, The ............ see Music Day I Was a Teenage Bunnysitter ............. see Acme Home Shopping Show It's a Jungle Out There ................. see Wake Up Call of the Wild It's All Relatives ...................... see Pledge Week Jungle Bungle ........................... see Pollution Solution Just-Us League of Supertoons ............ see New Class Day K-9 Kitty ............................... see Furrball Follies Kite, The ............................... see Pledge Week Kitty Cat-astrophe ...................... see Wake Up Call of the Wild Lame Joke ............................... see Henny Youngman Day Learning Principal, The ................. see Looniversity Days Let's Do Lunch .......................... see How Sweetie It Is Lifeguard Lunacy ........................ see Pledge Week Lifestyles of the Rich and Rotten ....... see It's Buster Bunny Time Lil Sneezer ............................. see Test Stress Little Cake of Horrors .................. see You Asked For It Part II Little Dog Lost ......................... see A Cat's Eye View Loon Lake ............................... see Music Day Love Among the Toons .................... see Spring in Acme Acres Love Stinks ............................. see Dating, Acme Acres Style Maid to Re-Order ........................ see Best of Buster Day Migrant Mallard ......................... see Wake Up Call of the Wild Milk, It Makes a Body Spout ............. see Here's Hamton Miniature Goof .......................... see Wacko World of Sports Minister Golf ........................... see Sports Shorts Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool ............. see Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool My Brilliant Revenge! ................... see Fox Trot My Dinner with Elmyra ................... see Love Disconnection Never Too Late To Loon .................. see Test Stress Night In Kokomo, A ...................... see New Class Day No Deposit, No Return of the Trash Bag Dispenser .................... see Pollution Solution Nothing To Sneeze At .................... see What Makes Toons Tick Oh For Arts Sake ........................ see Acme Home Shopping Show Once Upon a Star ........................ see Toon Physics One Beer ................................ see Elephant Issue One Minute Till Three ................... see Best o' Plucky Duck Open and Shut Case ...................... see Son of Looniversity Daze Optical Intrusion ....................... see Wheel o' Comedy Out of Odor ............................. see Viewer Mail Day Paper Trained ........................... see Life in the 90's Party Crasher Plucky .................... see A Cat's Eye View Pasadena Jones .......................... see Cinemaniacs Phone Call from the 405 ................. see Fox Trot Piece of Mind ........................... see Psychic Fun-omenon Day Pigment of his Imagination, A ........... see Ask Mr. Popular Pit Bullied ............................. see Strange Tales of Weird Science Pluck o' the Irish ...................... see Viewer Mail Day Plucky's Dastardly Deed ................. see Son of Looniversity Daze Potty Years, The ........................ see Henny Youngman Day Raven, The .............................. see How Sweetie It Is Re-Return of the Toxic Revenger, The .... see Looking Out for the Little Guy Real Kids Don't Like Broccoli ........... see Return of the Acme Acres Zone Rear Window Pain ........................ see Psychic Fun-omenon Day Rent a Friend ........................... see Rainy Daze Return of Plucky Twacy, The ............. see New Character Day Return of the Toxic Revenger, The ....... see You Asked For It Part II Robin Hare .............................. see Weirdest Story Ever Told Roches, The ............................. see New Character Day Ruffled Ruffee .......................... see Music Day Scentimental Pig ........................ see Strange Tales of Weird Science Senserely Yours, Babs ................... see Acme Acres Zone Slaughterhouse Jive ..................... see Going Places Sleight of Hare ......................... see You Asked For It Slugfest ................................ see Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool Sound Off................................ see New Class Day Squish .................................. see Buster Bunny Bunch Stand-Up and Deliver .................... see Henny Youngman Day Sticky Feathers Duck .................... see Best o' Plucky Duck Strung Along Kitty ...................... see Playtime Toons Superbabs ............................... see Cinemaniacs Teddy Bears Picnic ...................... see Acme Home Shopping Show Tennis the Menace ....................... see Wacko World of Sports That's Art, Folks! ...................... see Going Places That's Incredibly Stupid ................ see Spring in Acme Acres To Babs or Not To Babs .................. see Weirdest Story Ever Told To Bleep or Not To Bleep ................ see Test Stress Turtle Hurdle ........................... see Wide World of Elmyra Undersea World of Fifi, The ............. see Sports Shorts Venison Anyone? ......................... see Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool Wait Till Your Father Gets Even ......... see Toons From The Crypt Walk on the Flip Side, A ................ see Acme Acres Zone Waste Deep in Wackyland ................. see Pollution Solution Weird Couple, The ....................... see You Asked For It Part II What's Up Nurse? ........................ see Looniversity Days When You're Hot ......................... see Going Places Whining Out ............................. see Life in the 90's Whirlwind Romance ....................... see What Makes Toons Tick Why Dizzy Can't Read .................... see Elephant Issue Wild Takes Class ........................ see Inside Plucky Duck Win, Lose, or Kerplowie ................. see Wheel o' Comedy Working Pig ............................. see Career Oppor-toon-ities Year Book Star, The ..................... see Toon Physics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronological Listing of Episodes: FIRST SEASON (1990-1991) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #148: THE LOONEY BEGINNING Airdate: 9/14/90 (8:30 pm EST on CBS) { a Must See Episode(tm). Watch for the simultaneous Pee-Wee Herman/David Lynch (!) reference. Many other great gags to be found. Bugs' musical number at Acme Loo ranks among the best so far. -ed. } Written by Paul Dini & Sherri Stoner Storyboards by Byron Vaughns & Barry Caldwell Directed by Glen Kennedy, Dave Marshall, Ken Boyer & Rich Arons [ toons appearing: Everyone ] [ Check out the moon right after Bugs says "I remember it just as if it was ... a flashback!" -NS ] Music by Mort Stevens Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Sneezer Frank Welker as Gogo Cree Summer as Elmyra Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Danny Cooksey as Montana Candi Milo as Sweetie Jeff Bergman as Bugs Animation by Kennedy Cartoons, Inc. Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Created by - Buster and Babs Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #140: A QUACK IN THE QUARKS Airdate: 9/17/90 { TTA's own STAR WARS parody. Freeze-frame the spaceship hangar! -ed. } Written by Tom Minton Storyboards by Bruce Timm & Douglas McCarthy Directed by Art Vitello [ toons appearing: Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky cameo: Foghorn Leghorn ] Music by Mort Stevens Starring the voices of: Joe Alaskey as Plucky Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Chewcudda Rob Paulsen as Frank Jeff Bergman as Foghorn Carol Kane as Ollie Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Secret of Quality Animation - Lotsa Shadows Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ------------------------------ #113: THE WHEEL O' COMEDY Airdate: 9/18/90 "Devil Doggie" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Art Vitello [ Elmyra, Dizzy ] { Not to be missed. Watch for the tribute to PSYCHO. -ed. } "Optical Intrusion" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Art Vitello [ Furrball ] [ Poooor Furrball! He didn't ask for what happened to him. When he tried to make the best of it, he got creamed. Classic Furrball. -NS ] "Win, Lose or Kerplowie" Written by Gordon Bressack, Charles Howell Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Plucky, Monty, Blink ] [ Is this the same Charles Howell from "Venison Anyone?"? -TS ] Music by Ron Grant With the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Danny Cooksey as Montana Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Blink Joe Alaskey as Plucky Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Elmyra Fan Club President - Chuck Harvey Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #122: TEST STRESS Airdate: 9/19/90 "Never Too Late To Loon" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Rich Arons [ Plucky, Shirley, Buster ] [ Plucky's first line as Einstein {"Stoopnagle Hamburger mit der Frankfurter und der Sauuuuuerbraten!"} has a source ... Colonel Stoopnagle was a radio personality in 1943, when a caricature of Hitler opened a speech with this greeting in the WB cartoon, "Russian Rhapsody." Plucky's rendition is very close to the original. - DG ] "Lil Sneezer" Written by Stephen Langford and Paul Dini Directed by Rich Arons [ Furrball, Sneezer, Sylvester ] [ The Hall of Cartoon Cats and Welker's vocals make this one another classic. -TS ] "To Bleep Or Not To Bleep" Written by Sherri Stoner and Paul Dini Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Fowlmouth, Shirley ] Music by Ron Grant With the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Gail Matthius as Shirley Kath Souci as Fifi Frank Welker as Furrball Joe Alaskey as Sylvester Rob Paulsen as Fowlmouth Greg Bursoh as Elmer Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co, Ltd. Enough Television - Go Read A Book Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #119: THE BUSTER BUNNY BUNCH Airdate: 9/20/90 { A pretty vicious parody of "The Mickey Mouse Club". Possible Ralph Bakshi (of THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MIGHTY MOUSE fame) cameo in the entre-act to Act II? -ed. } "Buffed Bunny" Written by Gordon Bressack and Charles M. Howell, IV Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Arnold, Bugs, Plucky ] "Squish" Written by Len Jansen Directed by Art Leonardi [ Dizzy, Shirley, Buster, Plucky, Sweetie ] "Born To Be Riled" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Art Leonardi [ Babs, Shirley, Fifi, Plucky, Calamity, Dizzy ] Music by Les Hooper With the voice talents of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Fifi Gail Matthius as Shirley Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Candi Milo as Sweetie Jeff Bergman as Bugs Rob Paulsen as Arnold Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co. Ltd. Guy With Giant Hands - Art Leonardi Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #108: HER WACKY HIGHNESS Airdate: 9/21/90 { a Must See Episode(tm), particularly for its direction and storyboarding, and as always, Tokyo's gorgeous animation -ed. } Written by Sherri Stoner Storyboards by Byron Vaughns, Barry Caldwell Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Gogo, Elmer, The Principal, Babs' mom cameos: everyone including Babs' agent ] [ Watch for Gogo's wink as he points to the door for Babs' escape. Freeze- framers: make sure you read the signs before Plucky falls into the big hole. Watch for Snoopy flying by on top of Old Smokey. -JK ] Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Frank Welker as Gogo Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Noel Blanc as The Principal Jeff Bergman as Elmer Pat Fraley as Himself Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. The Moral of the Story - Elmer Fudd Is a Dolt Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ---------------------------------- #138: JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF ACME ACRES FIrst aired 9/24/90 Written by Wayne Kaatz Storyboards by John Ahern, Alberto DeMello, Arthur Leonardi Directed by Arthur Leonardi [ Babs, Buster, Hamton, Plucky, Montana, Elmer, gremlins ] Music by Bruce Broughton With the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Furrball Gail Matthius as Shirley Greg Burson as Elmer Danny Cooksey as Montana Don Messick as Hamton Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co. Ltd. Gremlins Compliments of - Bob Clampett Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #127: STUFF THAT GOES BUMP IN THE NIGHT Airdate: 9/25/90 "Home Wrecker" Written by Pamela Hickey, Dennys McCoy Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Monty ] "Fang You Very Much" Written by Richard Mueller Directed by Art Leonardi [ Elmyra, Vampire ] "Easy Biter" Written by Pat Allee, Ben Hurst, Tom Ruegger Directed by Art Leonardi [ Hamton, Moe Squito ] Music by Fred Steiner Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Moe Squito Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Produced in the San Fernando Valley - Fer Sure Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ----------------------------------------- #131: IT'S BUSTER BUNNY TIME Airdate: 9/26/90 [ Buster, Babs, Plucky, Elmyras, Dizzy ] "Bag That Bunny" Written by Dale Hale Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Elmyra, Calamity cameo: Hamton ] "Lifestyles of the Rich and Rotten" Written by Rowby Goren Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Monty, Arnold ] [ Watch for the neat stuff at the bottom of Monty's pool -JK ] "The Anvil Chorus" Written by Jim Reardon, Paul Dini, Don Dougherty, Ton Ruegger Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Elmyras, Lady from Adults Against Funny Cartoons ] { Sheer insanity. Don't miss. -ed. } [ Final Tally: 42 falling anvils, 1 more off-screen, 5 cannons ] Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Don Messick as Hamton Rob Paulsen as Arnold Danny Cooksey as Montana Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Anvils Compliments of - Acme Industries Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #133: LOOKING OUT FOR THE LITTLE GUY Airdate: 9/27/90 "Awful Orphan" Written by Nick Hollander Directed by Art Vitello [ Sneezer, Elmyra ] "The Re-Return of the Toxic Revenger" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Art Vitello [ Plucky, Montana ] "Bird-Dog Afternoon" Written by Pat Allee, Ben Hurst, Tom Ruegger Directed by Art Vitello [ basset hound, Furrball, three little birds ] Music by Joel McNeely With the vocal talents of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Furrball Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Danny Cooksey as Montana Kath Souci as Sneezer [ I didn't notice Dizzy in this episode anywhere. -JK ] Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Basset Hound Model - Lucy Ruegger Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------ #132: STARTING FROM SCRATCH Airdate: 9/28/90 [ Not the best written, or the best animated, but for Furrball fans (like me), a definite Must See (tm). -TS ] Written by Wayne Kaatz & Tom Ruegger Storyboards by Byron Vaughns & Barry Caldwell Directed by Ken Boyer [ Furrball, Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Elmyra, Calamity, Arnold, the Fleas ] [ Special highlight - Buster's stealing Bugs' "Mexican Slap Dance" -NS ] Music by Ron Grant Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Furrball Whitby Hertford as Fliorello Hamilton Camp as Scottish Flea Jim Cummings as Papa Flea Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Cartoon Cliches of - Alan Burnett Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ---------------------------------------- #117: HARE-RAISING NIGHT Airdate: 10/1/90 Written by Gordon Bressack & Charles M. Howell, IV. Storyboards by Douglas McCarthy, Bruce Timm & Bill Snellgrove Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky cameo: Bugs ] [ The recurring musical theme was "The Animal Fair". Rather funny, I thought. "No, no, no! Wrong show! Splicer's lab is back there!" cracked me up. Plucky fans will love this show. Did Splicer not remind you of Dan Akroyd? -NS ] Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Jim Cummings as Monster [Melvyn] Jeff Altman as Splicer Jeff Bergman as Bugs Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Dr. Splicer's Stand In - Doug McCarthy Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #105: FURRBALL FOLLIES Airdate: 10/2/90 "K-9 Kitty" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Art Vitello [ Furrball, man & woman, Amby & Lloyd cameos: Buster & Babs (intro) ] "Aroma Amore" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Art Vitello [ Furrball, Fifi, Amby & Lloyd cameos: Buster & Babs (intro) ] "Cross Country Kitty" Written by Eddie Fitzgerald Directed by Art Vitello [ Furrball, Sweetie, Mary Melody cameos: Buster & Babs (intro) ] [ Decidedly below par. Side note: We now know Acme Acres is in S. California. Must be in the ski resort mountains - it snows there, as evidenced by "Buster and the Wolverine" and other episodes -NS ] Music by Arthur B. Rubenstein Starring the voices of: Frank Welker as Furrball Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Kath Souci as Fifi Rob Paulsen as Amby Cindy McGee as Mary Melody Candi Milo as Sweetie Jeff Altman as Lloyd Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Future Game Show Host - Steve Donmyer Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #128: THE ACME ACRES ZONE Airdate: 10/3/90 [ Buster does a pretty good Rod Serling. Especially with the Furrball toupee -NS ] "A Walk on the Flip Side" Written by Michael Reaves Directed by Ken Boyer [ Montana, Buster, Babs, Elmyra ] "A Bacon Strip" Written by Wayne Kaatz Directed by Ken Boyer [ Hamton, Plucky cameos: Granny, Montana, everyone ] { A hilarious short -- the implications of exhibitionism and voyeurism are a scream. Amazing it got past the censors. Freeze-framers: what are Buster and Babs doing when everybody yells "surprise!" at the end and the lights go up? You be the judge. -ed. } "Senserely Yours, Babs" Written by Sherri Stoner & Tom Minton Directed by Ken Boyer [ Hamton, Calamity, Babs, Babs' sense of humor ] { More great gags in this one. Calamity at his best. Watch the sign in the hospital corridor ... -ed. } Music by Albert Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Don Messick as Hamton June Foray as Granny Danny Cooksey as Montana Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Moral of Story - Pork Is Fattening Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #126: LIFE IN THE 90's Airdate: 10/4/90 "Whining Out" Written by Paul Dini & Bob Carrau Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky ] "Paper Trained" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Montana cameos: Dizzy, Plucky ] "Butt Out" Written by Sherri Stoner & Tom Ruegger Directed by Rich Arons [ Babs, Roderick, Rhubella ] Music by Peter Myers Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. [ at their cheesiest ] Mystery Credit - Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ---------------------------------------- #109: ROCK 'N ROAR Airdate: 10/5/90 Written by Sheryl Scarborough, Jim Reardon & Kayte Kuch Storyboards by Douglas McCarthy & Bruce Timm Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Plucky, Montana, Rover cameo: Foghorn Leghorn ] Music by Fred Steiner Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Danny Cooksey as Montana Joe Alaskey as Plucky Jeff Bergman as Foghorn Leghorn Frank Welker as Rover Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Today's Lesson, Kids - Eat Your Vegetables Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ---------------------------------------- #124: PROM-ISE HER ANYTHING Airdate: 10/8/90 { a Must See Episode(tm). Watch for Sneezer's great cameos. -ed. } Written by Paul Dini and Bob Carrau Storyboards by Barry Caldwell, John Dorman, and Jim Fletcher Directed by Ken Boyer [ Babs, Buster, Plucky, Shirley, Fifi, Hamton, Elmyra, Gogo, Montana, Mary Melody, Dizzy, Mitzi, Taz, Bugs, Arnold, Arnolda, Sneezer, and I probably missed a couple. cameos: Daffy, Furrball, Calamity ] Music by Laurence Rosenthal With the vocal stylings of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Danny Cooksey as Montana Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Sneezer Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Jeff Bergman as Bugs Rob Paulsen as Arnold Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. If You're Just Tuning In - You're Late Tag - Buster and Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #101: HARE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW Airdate: 10/9/90 Written by Wayne Kaatz, Rom Ruegger, Gordon Bressack & Charles M. Howell, IV Storyboards by Byron Vaughns, Barry Caldwell & Bob Camp Directed by Ken Boyer & Eddie Fitzgerald [ Elmyra, Buster cameos: Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Furrball, Fifi ] [ Today is the definitive Elmyra day. I would have expected something different from Buster and Elmyra playing "doctor," but I have a sick mind. Buster's death scene, with Hamton & Plucky's cameos was great, the ET spoof was classic. -NS ] Music by Arthur B. Rubenstein Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Fifi Frank Welker as Furrball Edan Gross as Tyrone Animation by - Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Moral of Story - We Need More Animators Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #102: CINEMANIACS Airdate: 10/10/90 { a Must See Episode(tm). Freeze-framers: watch the movie marquee! -ed. } "Superbabs" Written by Sherri Stoner, Tom Minton & Wayne Kaatz Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Montana "Wex Wuthor" Max ] "Duck Trek" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Hamton, Plucky, Furrball, Hair Monster cameos: Shirley, Sweetie, Sneezer ] { a vicious and inspired ST parody. William Shatner probably has trained killers out to get Spielberg after this one -ed. } "Pasadena Jones" Written by Sheri Stoner & Wayne Kaatz Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Monty cameos: Babs, Hamton, Plucky ] [ Best Indiana Jones parody I've ever seen. Slo-mo'ers will love the Batman-style "pain words"... You know where. But once. Just once. They will quote the "Powerhouse A Theme" directly. I'm still waiting. Maybe I should send them the score. C, E, Eflat, G, Gflat, D, Eflat, E.... -NS ] Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Fifi Frank Welker as Hair Monster Danny Cooksey as Wex Wuthor [Monty] Rob Paulsen as Dr. Furrball Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Ken Boyer's Shoes by - Otis Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #104: YOU ASKED FOR IT Airdate: 10/11/90 "Debutante Devil" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Art Vitello [ Babs, Dizzy, Tasmanian Devil ] [ Oh, Dizzy fans, this one is for you. Excellent. Though I do get the feeling they used this one to fine-tune the character and Maurice LaMarche's voice. -NS ] "Sleight of Hare" Written by Tom Minton & Wayne Kaatz Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Montana ] "Duck Out of Luck" Written by Eddie Fitzgerald & Wayne Kaatz Directed by Eddie Fitzgerald [ Plucky cameo: Shirley ] [ We get to decide what happens to Plucky, but as we saw in the recent TTA poll, I don't think the viewers are that mean. I could think of a few things to do to Sweetie though. -NS ] { Watch the wacky ammo that the jet fighters fire at Plucky Kong! Among them: George Jetson, Mr. Spaceley, the Superman logo, Shaggy (of SCOOBY-DOO fame), and the Superman logo ... -ed. (thanks RJ!) } Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Danny Cooksey as Montana Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Frank Welker as Furrball Noel Blanc as Taz Candi Milo as Sweetie Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Guy Who Says "Narf" - Eddie Fitzgerald Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #112: GANG BUSTERS Airdate: 10/12/90 [ Didja happen to catch the "Lotto" sign in the quickie store? Looked suspiciously like the symbol of the California Lottery. Highlight - the "Eyeballs in the Darkness" scene. It's about time someone caught that cliche'. This episode is final proof that white people can't rap. {See TOON TV -ed.} It was tough to tell who was the most square: Hamton or Buster! Apart from that, it was great. -NS ] [ On the back of a police car was the license plate "LWOOD". Am I going nuts or was this a reference to THE BLUES BROTHERS? -MFI ] Written by Wayne Kaatz & Jim Reardon Storyboards by Byron Vaughns, Barry Caldwell & John Dorman Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Montana cameos: Furrball, Calamity, Beeper, Gogo, Shirley, Elmyra, Fifi ] Music by John Debney Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Gogo Rob Paulsen as Cashier Animation by Kennedy Cartoons Ink and Paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Free TV - You Get What You Pay For Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #121: CITIZEN MAX Airdate: 10/15/90 { A brilliant parody of the immortal Orson Welles classic. Who'da thought daytime television could be this good? :-) -ed. } Written by Gordon Bressack, Charles M. Howell IV, Paul Dini, Tom Ruegger Storyboards by Bruce Timm, Douglas McCarthy Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Montana, Shirley, Michigan J. Frog, Dizzy, Elmyra cameos: everyone including Pete Puma, Barkey Markey, Fowlmouth ] [ Watch for the "Rosebud" sled in Monty's mansion and the "Vitello Still At Large" headline in one of the newspapers. Also notice in the scene where Max interviews Buster, Buster has no ears! -JK ] Music by Dennis McCarthy Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Danny Cooksey as Montana Don Messick as Hamton Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Bill Woodson as Announcer Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Model for Babs' Feet - Kathryn Yelsa Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #130: WAKE UP CALL OF THE WILD Airdate: 10/17/90 "Migrant Mallard" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Rich Arons "It's a Jungle Out There" Written by Pat Allee and Ben Hurst Directed by Rich Arons "Kitty Cat-astrophe" Written by Gordon Bressack and Charles M. Howell IV Directed by Rich Arons [ This is your cat. This is your cat on hallucinogens. Any questions? Not that I'm implying Furrball would do such a thing on purpose... -KP ] Music by Albert Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Concord Greg Burson as Elmer Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Wayne Katz' Office Hours - 3:15-3:45 PM Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ----------------------------------------- #107: BUSTER AND THE WOLVERINE Airdate: 10/19/90 { Falls flat on its face. Fortunately, you can fasten your finger on the fast-forward or flip the channel instead of farting around with this fiasco -ed. } Written by Tom Ruegger & Paul Dini Storyboards by Jim Willoughby, Chris Otsuki & Art Leonardi Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Furrball, Sweetie, Elmyra, the Wolverine cameos: Max, Shirley, Gogo, the Mynah ] [ Buster's Theme sounded a lot like "Anything Goes", btw. But then again, no one had a signature theme, except the group as a whole with el-cuto march -NS ] Music by Morton Stevens Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Furrball Candi Milo as Sweetie Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons [loathsome, as usual] Ink-and-paint - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Wolverine Trainer - The Tazmanian Devil Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #123: YOU ASKED FOR IT PART II Airdate: 10/22/90 "The Weird Couple" Written by Len Jason Directed by Art Leonardi [ Dizzy, Hamton ] { A great short. The gratuitous laughtrack is marvelous! -ed. } "The Return of the Toxic Revenger" Written by Pamela Hickey & Dennis McCoy Directed by Art Leonardi [ Plucky, Montana ] "Little Cake of Horrors" Written by Dale Hale Directed by Art Leonardi [ Hamton, a cake cameo: Dizzy ] { Dizzy's cameo brings back the soundtrack and audience from Act I. Truly bizarre. -ed. } Music by Don Davis Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Danny Cooksey as Montana William Woodson as Narrator Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink And Paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Give a Hoot - Don't Pollute Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #125: HOLLYWOOD PLUCKY Airdate: 10/23/90 { a Must See Episode(tm). One of THE best yet. -ed. } Written by Sherri Stoner Storyboards by Bruce Timm & Douglas McCarthy Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky ] [ cameos of famous stars: Dustin Hoffman (giving award to Plucky in his daydream) Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones William Sanderson (Larry from _Newhart_) Darryl Hannah (in _Splash_ gear) Roseanne Barr Batman/Michael Keaton Woody Allen Mike Tyson Cher { quoting MOONSTRUCK, no less -ed. } Meryl Streep Jack Nicholson Clint Eastwood David Letterman { Very brief. Freeze-framers/El Lettero fanatics: you'll catch a nano-glimpse of Paul Shaffer and (former) NBC chairman Grant Tinker standing behind him! -ed. } Arnold Schwarzenegger Pee-Wee Herman William Shatner as Captain Kirk { brilliant! -ed. } DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock Plucky impersonated: Michael Jackson { And be sure and put your eyeballs *back* in your sockets after this one ... -ed. } Sylvester Stallone Johnny Carson ] Music by John Debney Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Guard Rob Paulsen as Bus Driver Jim Cummings as Chef Ken Mars as Flavio Roger Rose as John Face Michael Bell as Batman Maggie Roswell as Mary Vain Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Caricaturist - Bruce Timm Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ------------------------------- #142: EUROPE IN 30 MINUTES Airdate: 10/26/90 { Yours truly recommends this as a Must See Episode(tm). -ed. } Written by Stephen Hibbert Storyboards by Jessie Cosio, Sherri Weinhard & Chris Otsuki Directed by Arthur Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Prince Charles, Lady Di cameo: Concord ] Music by Arthur Kempel Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Rob Paulsen as Concord Tim Curry as Prince Charles Valri Bromfield as Lady Di Pat Fraley as Travel Agent [actually Game Show Host & Tour Guide] Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Travel Arrangements by the Wackyland Tourist Board Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #136: THE WACKO WORLD OF SPORTS Airdate: 10/30/90 "Tennis the Menace" Written by Gordon Bressack & Charles M. Howell, IV Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Monty, Furrball, Bookworm ] "Bleacher Bummer" Written by Chuck Menville Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Elmyra, Sneezer, Dizzy, Furrball, Arnold, Sylvester, Perfecto Prep cameos: Porky, just about everyone else ] "Miniature Goof" Written by Grant Moran & Tom Ruegger Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Buster, Babs, Roderick, Rhubella cameos: Sylvester & Everyone ] Music by Morton Stevens Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Arnold Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Ink-and-paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Moral of Story - Not Every Show Is Perfect Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ---------------------------------------- #115: RAINY DAZE Airdate: 11/1/90 "Rent a Friend" Written by Jim Reardon & Art Leonardi Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Montana ] "Bunny Daze" Written by Barry Caldwell Directed by Art Leonardi [ Babs ] { Love that Jane Fonda impersonation! -ed. } "Fur-Gone Conclusion" Written by Wayne Kaatz & Chris Otsuki Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Gotcha Grabmore ] Music by Bill Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Babzilla Joan Gerber as Gotcha Grabmore Animation Services - Freelance Graphics, Ltd. Guy Who Wears Suspenders - Jim Reardon Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #116: FIELDS OF HONEY Airdate: 11/2/90 { Perhaps the most hotly-debated-over episode in alt.tv.tiny-toon. Comments vary wildly -- half the populace denounce it as cheesy, pretentious and loathsome, putting in it in the Worst Episodes category, while the other half find the story to be excellent and the gags to be spot-on. All agree that the Kennedy animation stinks, however. :-) This episode won a Daytime Emmy for its original soundtrack score. -ed. } Written by Sherri Stoner & Tom Ruegger Storyboards by Byron Vaughns & Barry Caldwell Directed by Ken Boyer [ Babs, Bosco & Honey cameos: Ed Sullivan, Everyone ] Music by Bill Ross Starring the voices of: Tress MacNeille as Babs Charlie Adler as Buster Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Gogo Danny Cooksey as Montana Greg Burson as Elmer Noel Blanc as Porky Jeff Bergman as Bugs B.J. Ward as Honey Animation by Kennedy Cartoons Ink and Paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Whatever Happened to McLean Stevenson? Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #137: SAWDUST AND TOONSIL Airdate: 11/5/90 [ Mediocre, but it had its moments. It's nice to see Gogo. -NS ] [ Does anyone but me recognize this as a take-off on an Ingmar Bergman film titled SAWDUST AND TINSEL ([which is also] set at a circus)? - JB ] Written by Gordon Bressack & Charles M. Howell, IV Storyboards by Chris Reccardi, Jim Fletcher & Rich Arons Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Babs, Plucky, Gogo, Silas Wonder, pegasus, dragon, sphinx ] Music by Albert Olson Starring the voices of: Frank Welker as Gogo Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Rob Paulsen as Wonder Susan Blu as Sphinx Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Ink and Paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. This Program Has Been Edited For Your Own Good Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ------------------------------- #135: SPRING IN ACME ACRES Airdate: 11/6/90 "Love Among the Toons" Written by Gordon Bressack, Charles M. Howell IV & Eddie Fitzgerald Directed by Kent Butterworth & Eddie Fitzgerald [ Elmer, Concord, Buster, Babs, Montana cameos: Sweetie, Bookworm ] [ Babs & Montana? Oh, too weird. Funny though. Concord must go. Really. -NS ] "Elmyra's Spring Cleaning" Written by Eddie Fitzgerald Directed by Eddie Fitzgerald & Kent Butterworth [ Elmyra cameos: Tyrone, Furrball, Concord, Dizzy ] "That's Incredibly Stupid" Written by Chuck Menville Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Plucky, Dizzy ] Music by Fred Steiner Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Danny Cooksey as Max Joe Alaskey as Plucky Rob Paulsen as Concord Greg Burson as Cupid Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Ink and Paint, Camera - Fil Cartoons, Inc. Today's L.A. Weather - Hot and Smoggy Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #152: PSYCHIC FUN-OMENON DAY Airdate: 11/7/90 [ The very opening scene of the circus shows: Dizzy: The World's Greatest Eater - Eats Anything! Hamton: Thinnest Fat Guy in the World Plucky: Flying Trapeze (but he's on a tightrope!?) Gogo: Non-Extinct Dodo Elmyra: Bearded Lady -JK ] "Piece of Mind" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Art Leonardi [ Calamity, Beeper, Wile E. Coyote ] "Class Cut Up" Written by Earl Kress, Tom Ruegger Directed by Art Leonardi [ Hamton, Michigan J. Frog, Foghorn Leghorn, Granny, Bugs, Dr. Ann T. Dote cameos: Gogo, everyone else at school ] { Although the a.t.t-t gang dismiss this short as a direct rip-off of "One Froggy Evening", I think it's great. Hamton's insane/psychotic looks always get me shooting milk out of my nose ... I particularly like Wang's loving attention to detail of making that frog look disgustingly limp and lifeless as Hamton desperately tries to make it dance. A great short. -ed. } "Rear Window Pain" Written by Earl Kress, Jim Reardon Directed by Art Leonardi [Plucky, Shirley, Elmer, Buster, Babs cameos: Elmyra, Granny, Mary Melody] Music by Steve Bramson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Furrball [ Riiight -- try Gogo -JK ] Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Don Messick as Hamton June Foray as Granny John Hillner as Michigan J. Frog Jeff Bergman as Elmer Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Favorite Cartoon - "One Froggy Evening" Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ----------------------------------------- #149: THE WIDE WORLD OF ELMYRA Airdate: 11/8/90 "Turtle Hurdle" Written by Earl Kress & Tom Ruegger Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Elmyra, Tyrone Turtle, Michigan J. Frog cameos: Buster & Babs, Yosemite Sam ] "Drooley Davey" Written by Tom Minton, Paul Dini & Beth Bornstein Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Elmyra, Davey ] [ Check out the car's license plate as it leaves. This would have been a good place for another Elmyra/Sneezer cartoon, IMHO. I'm envious of Davey because of his Buster Bunny doll. It looks so much more realistic than the ones in the stores ... This short represents a good data point in the ongoing debate of whether Elmyra is malicious or stupid. -NS ] "Go Fetch" Written by Bob Carrau Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Elmyra, Barky cameo: Hamton ] [ Poor Barky. He's hooked on fetching, so he's forced into taking Elmyra's abuse. -NS ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Cree Summer as Elmyra Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Don Messick as Hamton Edan Gross as Tyrone Frank Welker as Barky Marky John Hilner as Michigan J. Frog Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. [ Look at "Turtle Hurdle" for a prime example of a TMS trademark - it's what I call "Tokyo Feet" - it's how TMS shows characters running really quickly. -NS ] Guy With Really Red Face - Kent Butterworth Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #155: A DITCH IN TIME Airdate: 11/9/90 { Hey kids! It's another Must See Episode(tm)! -ed. } Written by Wayne Kaatz, Art Vitello, Bruce Timm & Douglas McCarthy Storyboards by Bruce Timm & Douglas McCarthy Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Monty, Dizzy, prehistoric versions of everyone but Plucky, Elmyra cameos: Shirley & Foghorn ] [ Spielberg sure has a thing about time. I bet he either had a bit to do with this one, or they did it as a homage. Note the "ILM" order forms as Plucky falls through time. { Or, as someone else pointed out, they might be *bills* for all the time vortex SFX -ed. } The whole medieval bit is probably the best sub-plot scene of the whole season. In short, this one has just about as many laughs-per-inch as KACME TV. -NS ] Music by Don Davis Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Cree Summer as Elmyra Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Jeff Bergman as Foghorn Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Any Similarity Between This Cartoon and the Original Script Is Purely Coincidental Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ------------------------------- #145: ANIMANIACS! Airdate: 11/12/90 { a Must See Episode(tm)! I mean it! -ed. } Written by Paul Dini & Tom Minton Storyboards by Bruce Timm & Douglas McCarthy Directed by Art Vitello [ Everyone ] [ The Acme Looniversity Animation Festival: "Elmyra's Aminals, Aminals, Aminals and More Aminals (in color)" by Elmyra "My Worst Nightmare" by Hamton J. Pig "Dizzy Eat World" by Dizzy Devil "A Montana Max Christmas" by Montana Max's subcontractors "So You Want to Learn to Dance" by Gogo Dodo "Song of the Loon" (shortened version) by Shirley the Loon "The Plucky Duck Story" (shortened version) by Plucky Duck ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Danny Cooksey as Montana Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Jeff Bergman as Bugs Robert Bergen as Porky Animation Services - Akom Productions Class Couple - Dougman & Victoria Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ------------------------------- #111: CAREER OPPOR-TOON-ITIES Airdate: 11/13/90 "Buster's Guide to Part Time Jobs" Written by Gordon Bressack & Charles M. Howell, IV Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs ] "Working Pig" Written by David Cohen & Roger S. Schulman Directed by Art Leonardi [ Hamton, Elmyra ] "Falling to Pizzas" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Art Leonardi [ Calamity, Beeper ] Music by Fred Steiner Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Danny Cooksey as Montana Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Little Beeper Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Don't Miss Our Next Show - It's Actually Entertaining Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #103: STRANGE TALES OF WEIRD SCIENCE Airdate: 11/14/90 "Scentimental Pig" Written and directed by Eddie Fitzgerald [ Hamton, Plucky cameos: Buster and Babs ] [ The animation on this one was terrible, and the story didn't do much to make up for it. One of the more disappointing episodes. -TS ] "Pit Bullied" Written by Earl Kress Directed by Allen Smithee "Duck In The Muck" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Allen Smithee [ Plucky, Montana. Again, the animation looked spotty, but this episode was pretty well written. First (?) appearance of the Toxic Revenger. -TS ] Music by Arthur Kempel With the talented voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Arnold Candi Milo as Sweetie Animation by Encore Cartoons Ink and Paint, Camera - Fil Cartoons, Inc. Number of Retakes - Don't Ask Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #129: INSIDE PLUCKY DUCK Airdate: 11/15/90 { a Must See Episode(tm) -ed. } [ Buster, Plucky, Babs, Calamity cameos: Shirley, Elmyra ] "Bat's All Folks" (double length short) Story by Bruce Timm, Art Vitello Directed by Art Vitello [ Plucky as Spruce Vain/Batduck, Hamton as Decoy the Pig Hostage, Elmyra as Alfyra the maid ] [ Criminals: Jackster (complete with poor Jack Nicholson voice), The Puffin, Question Mark (lines borrowed from _Monty Python and the Holy Grail_), Polecat-Woman. Spoofing both the movie and TV series -JK ] [ Did anyone else notice the Frank Miller pose as Plucky bounced from rooftop to rooftop? And the Watchmen graffitti on the wall behind the Mutants? Lots of comics fans making TTA ... -MB ] "Wild Takes Class" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Art Vitello [ Plucky, Buster, Bugs, Babs cameos: nearly everyone speaking cameos: Daffy, Elmyra, Dizzy ] [ How do you figure? Some of the toons in the hall are also in class at the same time. -JK ] Music by Joel McNeely With the vocal stylings of: Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Jeff Bergman as Bugs Animation Serivces - Kennedy Cartoons Ink and Paint, Camera - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. Great Haircut - Alfred Gimeno Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." With a tip of the bat to the works of Bob Kane, Frank Miller, and D.C. Comics. Batman (tm) and (C) Copyright 1990 D.C. Comics Inc. ------------------------------- #120: THE ACME BOWL Airdate: 11/16/90 { yet another Must See Episode(tm). Sneezer is irresistable in this one. Cute, *and* hilarious. -ed. } Written by Steve Langford, Debra Blanchard, Tom Ruegger, Paul Dini Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Plucky, Hamton, Babs, Fifi, Shirley, Sneezer, Gogo, Sylvester, Porky cameos: Elmyra, Furrball, Calamity, Beeper, Bugs, Foghorn, Yosemite Sam ] Music by Arthur Kempel Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Jeff Bergman as Bugs Noel Blanc as Porky Kath Souci as Sneezer William Woodson as Announcer Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink and Paint, Camera - Fil Cartoons, Inc. Homecoming Queen - Jean MacCurdy Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #114: DATING, ACME ACRES STYLE Airdate: 11/19/90 { a Must See Episode(tm) -ed. } "Buster's Guide to Dating" Written by Tom Ruegger, Sherri Stoner & Paul Dini Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Buster, Babs ] "Love Stinks" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Ken Boyer [ Calamity, Beeper, Fifi ] [ Mixing apples & oranges was never this funny -NS ] "Dream Date Game" Written by Tom Ruegger, Paul Dini Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Montana, Elmyra, Plucky, Hamton cameo: Babs ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Kath Souci as Fifi Frank Welker as Calamity Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. U.S. Vice President - Dan Quayle Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #110: LOONIVERSITY DAZE Airdate: 11/20/90 [ Buster & Babs sing rather contrived lyrics to a very silly glee song between today's shorts. Yuck! -NS ] "The Learning Principal" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Buster, Yosemite Sam, Bugs cameos: Everyone ] "Eating Between the Lines" Written by Eddie Fitzgerald & Jim Reardon Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Bookworm, Sweetie ] "What's Up Nurse?" Written by Stephen Langford Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Plucky, Elmyra, Foghorn Leghorn, Granny cameos: Everyone ] Music by Bill Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Candi Milo as Sweetie Noel Blanc as Principal Jeff Bergman as Bugs June Foray as Granny Animation Services - Encore Cartoons & Fil-Cartoons, Inc. The Show Is Over - Go Do Your Homework Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #118: BEST O' PLUCKY DUCK Airdate: 11/21/90 { a Must See Episode(tm) -ed. } "One Minute Till Three" [ Plucky, Granny cameos: Everyone ] "Sticky Feathers Duck" [ Plucky, Hamton, Shirley, clerk ] "Duck in the Dark" [ Plucky, Buster cameos: clones of Bambi, Thumper, Freddie Krueger ] [All cartoons] Written by: Beth Bornstein Paul Dini Eddie Fitzgerald Tom Minton Tom Ruegger Storyboards by: Byron Vaughns Robert Fuentes John Dorman Rich Arons Directed by Rich Arons Music by Dennis McCarthy Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Gail Matthius as Shirley Danny Cooksey as Montana June Foray as Granny Rob Paulsen as Mr. Bughari Animation by - Kennedy Cartoons Ink & Paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Moral of the Story - Plucky's a Jerk Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ------------------------------- #106: HERO HAMTON Airdate: 11/23/90 { Perhaps one of the most badly animated shows of the season. Movements are unnatural and choppy. Hamton's face looks like he slept face-down on an ironing board all night. Bitch, bitch, bitch. -ed. } Written by Gordon Bressack & Charles M. Howell, IV Storyboards by Pierre DeCelles Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Hamton, Buster, Babs, Plucky, Montana, Gogo, Shirley cameos: Everyone ] Music by Steve Bramson Starring the voices of: Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Bob Bergen as Porky Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink & Paint, Camera - Fil Cartoons, Inc. Capitol of New Jersey - Trenton Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ------------------------------- #154: WHALE'S TALES Airdate: 11/26/90 { Aaaaiiiiieeee! Unplug your TV for this one! -ed. } Written by Nicholas Hollander Storyboards by Owen Fitzgerald, Lella Green & Larry Leker Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Buster, Babs, Elmyra, Furrball, Gotcha ] Music by Don Davis & William Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Furrball [ probably the whale noises too -NS ] Joan Gerber as Gotcha Phil Hartman as Octavius Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Mermaid Model - Sherri Stoner { Resident TTA writer Sherri Stoner was also the character model for Ariel in THE LITTLE MERMAID. Yow! -ed. } Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #141: ASK MR. POPULAR Airdate: 12/5/90 "Dapper Diz" (double length short) Written by Paul Dini Directed by Rich Arons [ Dizzy, Buster, Hamton, Plucky cameos: Everyone ] [ Special highlights -- Dizzy's Guitar, and Plucky's "Disney Channel" crack. Has anyone yet faxed them the score of the "Powerhouse" theme yet? -NS ] "A Pigment of his Imagination" Written by Therese Naugle Directed by Rich Arons [ Hamton, Everyone ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Brooklyn Dodger Fan - Mike Fontanelli Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #134: SON OF LOONIVERSITY DAZE Airdate: 12/7/90 [ This day ranks as one of the worst "shorts" episodes. The cheezy Kennedy animation merely made what would have been a strikeout into a total whiff. -NS ] "Plucky's Dastardly Deed" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Plucky, Foghorn cameos: Everyone ] "Open and Shut Case" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Hamton, Granny, yet-another-Hamton-torture-device ] "C Flat or B Sharp?" Written by Buzz Dixon Directed by Gerard Baldwin [ Buster, Hamton, Plucky, Yosemite Sam cameos: Everyone ] [ Franz Lizst deserves far more. Get a rope. -NS ] Music by Mort Stevens & Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton June Foray as Granny Jeff Bergman as Foghorn Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink and Paint - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. 4 A Quality Education - Avoid Acme Looniversity Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #160: MR. POPULAR'S RULES OF COOL Airdate: 12/10/90 "Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool" Written by Gordon Bressack Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton cameos: Shirley, Fifi, Concord, Arnold, Dizzy, Calamity, Gogo, Plucky ] "Slugfest" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Art Vitello [ Hamton, Plucky, the cast of IRSS ] { Wake the kids, fax the neighbors! This is perhaps the best short yet. NOT to be missed. We warned you! -ed. } { The Immature Radioactive Samurai Slugs are: Picasso Warhol Rockwell Grandma Moses } "Venison Anyone?" Written by Charles M. Howell, IV Directed by Art Vitello [ Montana Max, Vinnie ] Music by Joel McNeely & Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Danny Cooksey as Montana Gail Matthius as Shirley Kath Souci as Fifi Rob Paulsen as Arnold Jim Cummings as Iodizer Roger Rose as Announcer Brian Mitchell as Vinnie Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Toy Collector - John Dymer Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ----------------------------------------- #143: FAIRY TALES FOR THE 90's Airdate: 12/12/90 [ Today's intro was absolutely classic. Babs as Tinkerbell -- complete with the "barely noticeable wire." -NS ] "Bunnochio" (double length short) Written by Tom Ruegger & Tom Minton Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Gepetto ] "Bear Necessities" Written by Gordon Bressack & Jim Reardon Directed by Ken Boyer [ Elmyra, the three bears cameos: Furrball ] [ "You don't need friends! You've got a computer!" Oh, this one is indeed a classic. Furrball-stuck-to-the-window should be this year's hot Christmas item. Did not mama-bear sound slightly like Roseanne Barr? Quotes-a-plenty here. A must see. -NS ] Music by Albert Olson, Hummy Mann & Mark Watters Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Furrball Stan Freberg as Junior [bear] Orson Bean as Gepetto Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. The End Credits - Just Keep Going and Going and Going ... Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ------------------------------- #144: WHO BOPPED BUGS BUNNY? Airdate: 12/14/90 [ The jury's still out. Pretty good Columbo parody. Stanley didn't sound a THING like the old one. Didn't look much like him either. Maybe it wasn't supposed to, but then why did they copy the name? -NS ] Written by Paul Dini, Earl Kress & Sherri Stoner Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Bugs, Daffy, a poor imitation of Stanley the Elephant cameos: Pepe LePew, Furrball, Most of the old Warner toons ] Music by Ralph Kessler & Elliot Kaplan Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Jonathan Winters as Stanley Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Greg Burson as Pepe Jeff Bergman as Bugs Stan Freberg as Pete Puma [janitor] Animation by - Kennedy Cartoons Ink and paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. Comedy in the Wrong Hands - A Dangerous Weapon Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #163: TINY TOON MUSIC TELEVISION Airdate: 2/1/91 { A quintessential Must See Episode(tm) -ed. } Written by Sherri Stoner, Art Vitello, Paul Dini, Bruce Timm, Tom Minton, & Douglas McCarthy Storyboards by Bruce Timm & Douglas McCarthy Directed by Art Vitello [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky cameos: Elmer, Bugs ] { A cute parody of MTV ("Just Say Julie Bruin" was hilarious), but also a platform for some truly inspired videos. No slamming the music video genre, no vicious stabs at well-known videos -- just having fun with some great tunes. -ed. } Featured videos: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - They Might Be Giants { Watch for the impersonation of John & John from TMBG -ed. } Particle Man - They Might Be Giants [ Dizzy plays the accordion?! -NS ] Respect - Aretha Franklin [ Paul Dini said at the 1991 San Diego Comic Con that when he saw the cari- cature of himself, he found the motivation to lose weight :-) -JJ ] Money (That's What I Want) - Barrett Strong Top Secret Apprentice (parody of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" from FANTASIA) [ It would have worked a LOT better if they'd used the real original score, but of course, TTA never uses real music if it can get away with something that costs less ... -NS { Now Nick, you know how anal-retentive Disney's copyright department is -ed. } ] [ They sure seem to have a thing for clobbering people with falling space shuttles. It's happened twice now, once to Plucky, once to Furrball. -NS ] Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky [When did HE speak?!] Jeff Bergman as Elmer Julie Brown as Julie Bruin Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Instanbul [sic] - Not Constantinople Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #159: THE RETURN OF THE ACME ACRES ZONE Airdate: 2/4/91 "Real Kids Don't Like Broccoli" Written by Wayne Kaatz, Kent Zbornak Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Buster, Babs, Hamton cameos: Everyone ] { Tons of groan-inducing puns, one-liners & sight gags. Probably the only cyberpunk TTA episode we'll ever see (references to William Gibson, BLADE RUNNER, Frank Miller's DARK KNIGHT). The four-second dream sequence is completely off-the-wall (another FANTASIA stab!). A great short, don't miss it. -ed. } "Boo Ha Ha" Written by Tom Ruegger, Wayne Kaatz, Tom Minton Directed by Kent Butterworth [ Plucky, Hamton, ghost ] "Duck Dodgers Jr." Written by Mike Kazaleh, Maurice Noble, Wayne Kaatz Directed by Kent Butterworth Design by Maurice Noble [ Daffy, Plucky, Marvin the Martian, Marcia Martian ] Music by Mark Watters Featuring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra [Marcia?] Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Gogo [narrator for Duck Dodgers Jr.] Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy [ghost] Don Messick as Hamton Jeff Bergman as Daffy Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Inter-office Memo-corrector - Tom Minton Tag - Basset: [sniff sniff sniff] "Woof." ------------------------------- #161: THE ACME HOME SHOPPING SHOW Airdate: 2/6/91 "Oh For Arts Sake" Written by Sherri Stoner [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Elmer cameos: Lots ] "Teddy Bears Picnic" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Rich Arons [ Elmyra, the 3 bears ] [ Cree Summer sings reasonably well, for someone trying to maintain a character. A great followup to the "Fairy Tales for the 90s" Goldilocks short. -NS ] "I Was a Teenage Bunnysitter" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Rich Arons [ Babs, Duncan ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Paw Ben Ganger as Duncan Stan Freberg as Pete Puma [Where?! When?!] Greg Berson as Elmer Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Fil-Cartoons, Inc. [ Could it be that Kennedy has cleaned up their act?! I thought I had this episode pegged for sure as being from Akom! -NS ] "Miss Personality" - Kirstyn Smithen Tag - Elmyra: "Let the show begin!" ------------------------------- #157: WEIRDEST STORIES EVER TOLD Airdate: 2/8/91 "Robin Hare" Written by Gordon Kent Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Monty cameos: many ] "To Babs or Not To Babs" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Art Leonardi [ Babs, Shakespeare ] "Elmyra's Round The World!" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Art Leonardi [ Elmyra, Buster ] { A take-off on Disney's ever-popular "It's a Small World" ... a bit on the weird side, if you ask me ... -ed. } Music by Ron Grant & Mark Watters Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Clive Revill as Shakespeare Jeff Bergman as Foghorn Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Foghorn Leghorn Compliments of Bob McKinson Tag - Dizzy: "Show over!" ------------------------------- #162: VIEWER MAIL DAY Airdate: 2/11/91 "Pluck O' The Irish" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Arthur Leonardi [ Plucky, Hamton ] [ This one kind of defines the TTA audience ... the references to the "flying reindeer" and the "tooth fairy" as myths means that the little tykes wouldn't be watching. This one was a lot of laughs. -NS ] { Look for the Tammy Faye Bakker mask in Hamton's Acme Gag pack -ed. } "Out of Odor" Written by Arleen Sorkin & Beth Milstein Directed by Art Leonardi [ Elmyra, Fifi ] "Buttering Up the Buttfields" Written by Paul Dini, Tom Minton & Wayne Kaatz Directed by Art Leonardi [ Plucky, Pete Puma cameo: Fifi ] { This short arguably crossed the line of good taste, but it still was a lot of fun. Watch Pete Puma's various stages of electrocution. -ed. } [ When Plucky runs past the other tables with the Buttfields' order, he passes Dave Letterman, Mike Tyson & Roseanne Barr (from HOLLYWOOD PLUCKY fame) making a cameo. -JK ] Music by Hummie Mann Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Kath Souci as Fifi Jeff Bergman as Elmer Tracy Rowe as Bridey Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Thanks To Our Loyal Viewers - Both Of You Tag - Fifi: "Au revoir, my petit potato du couch!" ------------------------------- #156: SON OF WACKO WORLD OF SPORTS Airdate: 2/12/91 "Buster at the Bat" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Rich Arons [ Everyone ] [ The perfect modernization of the classic poem. The dig at Disneyland was the highlight. The entre-act just before the next short was a bit of a letdown. -NS ] "Buster's New Bike" Written by Grant Moran, Tom Minton & Tom Ruegger Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Bob ] [ Cal Worthington has always been a pet peeve of mine, and this one was a great dig at him and his high pressure marketing style and phoney "friendly Texan" accent. Oh, they came close to the "Powerhouse" theme today, but no cigar. One of these days. Again, the entre-act was weak. -NS ] "Acme Acres Summer Olympics" Written by Earl Kress, Jim Reardon, Tom Minton & Tom Ruegger Directed by Rich Arons [ Everyone ] [ "Everyone" today included Speedy Gonzales for the first time (at least the first time I've seen). This was a classic slapstick gag short. Plucky's fourth wall gag was pretty good this time, too. -NS ] Music by Albert Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Kath Souci as Fifi Jeff Bergman as Foghorn Jim Cummings as Singer Pat Buttram as Bicycle Bob Animation by - Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. The End Credits Go By Really Fast Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOAR!...meow!" ------------------------------- #139: POLLUTION SOLUTION Airdate: 2/14/91 [ Yuck. A day full of preachy shorts. Give it a rest, guys. Could they not have come up with a Valentines Day episode?! Time to renew your membership in "Adults Against Preachy Cartoons". This is one of the worst "shorts" episodes so far. -NS ] "No Deposit, No Return of the Trash Bag Dispenser" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Ken Boyer [ Plucky, Elmyra ] "Jungle Bungle" Written by M.D. Sweeney Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Babs, Ronald Grump (a Gotcha-clone) cameo: Montana ] [ It just gets worse and worse. "The sea level is rising and the sky is falling!" Grrrrrrr! I took personal offense at this cartoon, its implica- tions and conclusions. It takes a lot to do that. F- -NS ] "Waste Deep in Wackyland" Written by Jim Reardon Directed by Ken Boyer [ Montana, Gogo ] [ What a waste of a Wackyland. Gogo did well trying to save a preachy-toon from an almost certain failing grade. Besides, I have been waiting to see a "Max in Wackyland" story. The result is a (very very low) C-. -NS ] Music by Mark Watters Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Danny Cooksey as Montana Rodger Bumpass as Ronald Grump Kath Souci as Sneezer Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. Don't Forget, Kids - Recycle! [as if they didn't pound it in enough] Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ------------------------------- #153: YOU ASKED FOR IT AGAIN Airdate: 2/15/91 "Buster's Guide to Goofing Off" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Ken Boyer [ Everyone ] { A great short. Had me nervously reliving my college-student days. It's nice to know Buster's a slouch just like the rest of us :-) -ed. } "Elmyra at the Mall" Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Ken Boyer [ Elmyra, Arnold ] [ This one cracked me up completely. This is the best Elmyra toon yet. Kennedy can't draw Arnold very well. It can be argued, however, that Kennedy can't draw anything very well. -NS ] "Hold the Sugar" Written by Tom Minton Directed by Ken Boyer [ The Ants, an Elmer clone ] [ Very average. -NS ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Ant Gail Matthius as Shirley Rob Paulsen as Arnold Greg Burson as Elmer Animation by Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. These End Credits Are Endless Aren't They? { Methinks the gag credit writer is feeling listless and out-of-sorts -ed. } Tag - Elmyra: "Let the show begin!" ------------------------------- #151: BRAVE TALES OF REAL RABBITS Airdate: 2/18/91 { And another Must See Episode(tm) -ed. } "And All That Rot" (double length short) Written by Eddie Fitzgerald Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Babs, Monty, Elmyra ] { A gem. Takes potshots at just about everything that's British. The name- calling exchange between Buster and Monty is hilarious. Watch for the tribute to "E.T." (or is that just Amblin Entertainment? :-) -ed. } "Day for Knight" Written by Earl Kress, Tom Minton & Jim Reardon Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Babs, dragon cameos: Hamton, Sweetie, Shirley, Monty, Arnold ] [ This was another winner. The Monty Python references were great. The Woody Allen dragon was another nice touch. -NS ] [ [When] the Woody Allen dragon tells Babs not to scream, Babs screams *exactly* like Roger Rabbit does when he gets a drink. - TH ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Danny Cooksey as Montana Frank Welker as Furrball Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Rob Paulsen as Concord Jeff Bergman as Yosemite Sam Don Messick as Hamton [ Come on! Concord and Yosemite Sam?! Why don't they just tell us who they REALLY were! Who did Woody Allen? -NS ] Animation Services - Freelance Graphics Ltd. [And they're not bad] Guy Who Thinks It's 1947 - Charlie Bean [These are getting stupid -NS ] Tag - Elmyra: "Let the show begin!" ------------------------------- #158: HOW SWEETIE IT IS Airdate: 2/19/91 [ OK, so it's "Sweetie Day". I can think of worse things. "Concord Day". "The Cosby Show". "Look Who's Talking Too". My opinion of Sweetie has gone up exponentially after this episode -- but she's still no Shirley McLoon -CA ] "Egged On Eagle" Directed by Ken Boyer Written by Sherri Stoner [ Sweetie, Eagle ] "Let's Do Lunch" Directed by Art Leonardi Written by Nicholas Hollander [ Sweetie, Elmyra, Furrball, Tweety, Sylvester ] "The Raven" Directed by Ken Boyer Written by Sherri Stoner, Paul Dini [ Sweetie, Edgar Allan Poe ] [ At the end, Sweetie is watching Jack Nicholson on TV - as some of you may or may not know, Jack Nicholson and Vincent Price starred with Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre in Roger Corman's version of "The Raven". -JfK ] Music by Steve Bramson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Furrball Candi Milo as Sweetie Vincent Price as Narrator Jeff Bergman as Tweetie [sic] Animation Services - Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. A Tiny Toons Salute to Friz Freleng Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRR....meow!" ------------------------------- #164: NEW CHARACTER DAY Airdate: 2/20/91 [ Oh well, the first one is cute at any rate (nice harmonies for vermin!). "Pluck Twacy" sinks to the level of its inspiration. The "Roger Rabbit" trashing before the first short is worth the price of the TV -- although I don't believe the voice credit for a microsecond. -CA ] "The Roches" Directed by Ken Boyer Written by Sherri Stoner [ Terre, Maggie, and Suzzy Roche, Hamton cameos: The Lone Ant, Flea-o and family ] { Spielberg apparently is a big fan of The Roches. Hey, kids! Get your own guest appearance on Tiny Toons! -ed. } "The Return of Plucky Twacy" Written and directed by Eddie Fitzgerald [ Daffy, Plucky, Shirley, Shirley's Evil Aura cameos: Buster, Babs, Furrball, curious villains, Peter Lorre ] Music by Fred Steiner Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Gogo Gail Matthius as Shirley Don Messick as Hamton Jeff Bergman as Daffy Terre Roche as Terre Maggie Roche as Maggie Suzzy Roche as Suzzy Steven Spielberg as White Rabbit [!] Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Inc. Special Thanks to Martin Scott, Teddy Wainwright Tag - Dizzy: "Show over!" ------------------------------- #146: HERE'S HAMTON Airdate: 2/21/91 { The entre-acts alone make this episode worth watching. The guest voiceover by Casey Kasem was a pleasant surprise -- never thought I'd see *him* parodying himself ... -ed. } "Milk, It Makes a Body Spout" Directed by Rich Arons Written by Tom Minton, Tom Ruegger [ Buster, Plucky, Hamton cameo: Granny ] "America's Least Wanted" Directed by Rich Arons Written by Jim Reardon [ Hamton, Plucky, Knuckles Cutlet cameo: Elmer Fudd ] "Drawn and Buttered" Directed by Rich Arons Written by Jim Reardon, Grant Moran [ Hamton, lobster cameo: Elmyra ] { Watch for the "Cap'n Teneal" sign above the door to the seafood mart. And then promptly spin up your old 45 of "Love Will Keep Us Together". ... What? Why are you staring at me like that? -ed. } Music by Albert Olson Starring the voices of: Don Messick as Hamton Charlie Adler as Buster Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Jim Cummings as Singer Greg Burson as Elmer Casey Kasem as Flakey Fakem June Foray as Granny Animation by - Wang Film Productions Company, Inc. Director Emeritus - Norman McCabe Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR...meow!" --------------------------- #147: NO TOON IS AN ISLAND Airdate: 2/25/91 [ A case of the cutes, and a bit on the moralizing side, but they did bag on the didactic ending somewhat. C+. -CA ] Written by Gordon Bressack, Charles M. Howell IV Storyboards by Ken Mitchroney, Chris Otsuki, Alberto DeMello Directed by Art Leonardi Music by Don Davis Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as X-Bird Don Messick as Hamton Animation by - Wang Film Productions Corp., Inc. The Show Is Over - Now Go Out And Play Tag - Fifi: "Au revoir, my petit potato du couch!" -------------------------------- #165: KACME TV Airdate: 2/26/91 [ Voted #1 in the [1991] spring Usenet Poll. Probably the most gags per minute of any show. -TS ] { Need I say it? ... a Must See Episode(tm). -ed. } Written by Paul Dini, Sherri Stoner, Tom Ruegger Directed by Kent Butterworth, Art Leonardi, Ken Boyer { major segments listed -- watch the in-between channel-flipping! -ed. } Act I: [ Babs (also as Tinkerbunny), Plucky (also as Dr. Genius), Concord, Sweetie, Buster (as Blink Winklebunny), Calamity, Dizzy, Elmyra ] "Tinkerbunny's Wonderful World of Make Believe and Learning Fun" { swipes at Mister Rogers' Neighborhood and Pee-Wee's Playhouse } (commercial: Unlucky Worms cereal) "Gyp-Parody" { a send-up of "Jepoardy!" Alex Trebek only dreams he could behave like Buster does to the contestants ... -ed. } Act II: [ Dizzy, Dizzy's boss, Fifi, assorted canine hardbodies, Plucky (and his brother Linguini), Shirley, Hamton, Gogo, Calamity, Bobbo Acme, Hangin' Judge Sam ] "I Love Dizzy" [ in black and white, no less! ] (commercial: Depression by Calvin Acme) (commercial: Super Pluckyo Bros.) (commercial: "Honey I Shrunk The Clothes") { Freeze-frame addicts: the credits will make you scream! Proceed with caution :-) -ed. } "Toon Court" Act III: [ Hamton, Plucky, Elmyra, Gogo, Travel Log, Buster, Babs cameos: Bugs, Daffy, Foghorn, Elmer, Arnold, Montana, Roderick, Yosemite Sam, the entire TTA production staff, Steven Spielberg ] "The Blunder Years" { If you love head trauma humor, this short is for YOU! -ed. } (commercial: Nature World) (commercial: Welcome To Wackyland) "The Search for Big Butt" (commercial: Acme Home Cartoon Kit) { with TTA's first Spielberg cameo! And talk about biting the hand that feeds you! :-) -ed. } Music by Mark Watters Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Furrball Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Kath Souci as Sneezer Candi Milo as Sweetie Danny Cooksey as Montana Don Messick as Hamton Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. This Is Episode Number 65 - Just In Case You're Counting Tag - Dizzy: "Show over!" ----------------------------------------- #150: HIGH TOON Airdate: 3/29/91 Written by Chuck Menville Directed by Glen Kennedy [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, The Coyote Gang, Pedro cameo: Concord ] [ A disappointing season finale. If this one is how they MEANT it to come out, I'd hate to see the rejected version. -NS ] { ed. note: HIGH TOON, originally scheduled to be released earlier in the season, was held back in order for some (or possibly all) of the episode to be re-done (presumably the animation by Special K). As a result, this illustrious achievement (NOT!) ended up as the season finale -ed. } [ Keep an eye on Hamton during the first shot in which he appears. I won't describe the action, because I prefer to think of Hamton as not that kind of pig. Suffice it to say that shot as a whole was rather confusingly animated (though it starts with a GREAT pose), and Hamton almost gets away with it as a result. -KP ] Music by Steve Taylor Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Frank Welker as Coyote Kid Phillip Glasser as Pedro Rob Paulsen as Concord Don Messick as Hamton Animation by Kennedy Cartoons Ink-and-paint, Camera - Wang Film Productions Coyotes Compliments of Chuck Jones Tag - Basset: [sniff sniff sniff] "Woof." ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronological Listing of Episodes: SECOND SEASON (1991-1992) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #168: PLEDGE WEEK Airdate: 9/16/91 { A quirky season opener. Akom looks like they're going to be our surrogate Kennedy for this season. :-) Actually, the shorts weren't that bad, but close your eyes during the entre-acts, especially the first one. -ed. } "It's All Relatives" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Barry Caldwell [ Babs, the lower halves of her mom and grandma, and Mortimer ] [ Her name IS "Barbara Anne". This struck a chord. I loved it ALL! GREAT Babs Short! They were saving up for this one. Yes, we saw Mortimer. Dr. Rabbit need not follow-up. -NS ] [ This is the first *good* Tiny Toons rap! Pure Babs -- I love it. -RJ ] { You want a shock? Check out Babs' Metal Queen outfit ... -ed. } "Lifeguard Lunacy" Written by Paul Dini & Chris Otsuki Directed by Norm McCabe [ Arnold, Calamity, Elmyra cameos: Mary Melody, Sneezer, Babs, Shirley, Hamton, Plucky, various puny-tunes ] "The Kite" Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Kent Butterworth [ the kite, a moth cameos: Hamton, Buster ] [ Interesting. This one will get less respect than it probably ought. It wasn't funny, but it wasn't meant to be. This one is in the same category as "Top Secret Apprentice". Very Spielbergian story line. Good music. -NS ] Music by Don Davis Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler As Buster Tress MacNeille As Babs Cree Summer As Elmyra Don Messick As Hamton Kath Souci As Sneezer Frank Welker As Furrball Rob Paulsen As Arnold Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Quick Question: Those Babes Around Arnold -- What Kind of Animals Were They? Tag - Byron: sniffs around, then 'Woof' ---------------------------------------- #167: GOING PLACES Airdate: 9/17/91 "When You're Hot" Written by Earl Kress Storyboards by Rusty Mills, Greg Reynas & Chris Deat [?] Directed by Rich Arons [ BBHP, Pete Puma, the fire cameos: Sneezer, Teach ] [ Stooopid to the nth power. One good part -- the flame hitching for Universal Studios. If you don't know why this is funny, you need to get out more. -NS { Since this is no longer topical, I should fill in the fact that this was reference to a major news-making fire on the Universal Studios lot -ed. } ] { This short also got a little morbid with its humor -- Hamton as a golden-baked entree', Elmyra with all her hair and clothes burned off ... brrrrr. -ed. } "That's Art Folks!" Written by Nick Hollander Directed by Eddie Fitzgerald [ Babs, etc cameo: Teach ] [ Didn't we already have a short by this name? Musical theme was 'Pictures at an Exhibition' by Modest Mussorgsky. Other than that, this wasn't noteworthy. Words to the song will be posted separately, I'm sure. -NS ] [ In Babs' "Squash and Stretch" song, there is a line which goes "squash and stretch and sing your keys". Russell Brower, TTA/Compu$erve liason and Sound Effects Chief, says that when it left his jurisdiction the line went "squash and stretch between your knees". Take it as you will ... -KP ] "Slaughterhouse Jive" Written by Gordon Bressack Storyboarded [sic] by Enrique May, Jim Fletcher & Mike Fontanelli Directed by Rich Arons [ BBHP, Monty ] [ Humph. Our first preachy-toon of the new season. I guess vegetarianism is Politically Correct this year. 'Scuse me while I go get a ham sandwich. -NS ] { Although the ending and the gag credit make up for it -ed. } Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Maurice LaMarche as Blueboy Frank Welker as Dog Kath Souci as Sneezer Animation Services - Wang Film Productions, Co., Ltd. Moral Of Story (Choose One) a. Eat More Meat. b. Don't Play With Matches c. Never Put A Bowling Ball In Your Underwear. Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ---------------------------------------- #169: ELEPHANT ISSUE Airdate: 9/18/91 [ And you thought yesterday was Politically Correct?! If this keeps up, I will resign my post and desert TTA forever. I mean it. -NS { Actually, it didn't keep up, but Nick resigned his post later in the season anyway -ed. } ] [ Byron Vaughns aparently had a voice cameo at the beginning. ] "Why Dizzy Can't Read" Story by Sherri Stoner Written by Stephen Hibbert Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Buster, Babs, Dizzy cameo: Bugs, various ] { Despite some nice touches (self-parodying, fourth-wall humor, Babs' Bill Cosby impersonation), this short was the flagship for an afternoon of sheer hell. -ed. } "C.L.I.D.E. and Prejudice" Story by Sherri Stoner Written by Mark Sarcenni [?] Directed by Ken Boyer [ BBHP, Monty, Clide cameos: various ] { I have just two words to say: goofy writing. Sure, the HAL-speak and game- show-speak were cute ideas, but they ground on the nerves really fast. -ed. } "One Beer" Story by Wayne Kaatz Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Ken Boyer [ BBHP ] [ Just Say 'No' to stupid propaganda -NS ] { The Show's Over - Go Sit In A Corner And Weep -ed. } Music by Bill Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Gogo Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Jeff Bergman as Bugs Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Today's Lesson - Reading Ir Berry Impertant Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ---------------------------------------- #171: HOG WILD HAMTON Airdate: 9/19/91 Storyboard by Rusty Mills, Jim Fletcher, Enrique May Gags by Greg Reyna, Enrique May, Rich Arons, Rusty Mills Script by Paul Dini, Bob Carrau Directed by Rich Arons [ everyone ] { Smiles, everyone, smiles! A fun, *non-preachy* episode to save us all from eternal damnation. Highlights: the slam on Ed McMahon/Publisher's Clearinghouse, Hamton's parents, Egghead Jr., Gogo's Fred Astaire dance, and the "This is the dream" gag taken from MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS. -ed. } [ Party antics could've been a bit wilder. How's about a Tiny Toons game of "I Never"? -CA ] { Watch the scene where Hamton runs across the living room full of people and grabs Plucky. Somewhere in the background is our illustrious [sic :-)] Jenny Lerew! Turns out that she unashamedly drew herself in while doing layout for this scene. Isn't this actually some form of nepotism? :-) -ed. } Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Don Messick as Hamton Joe Alasky [sic] as Plucky Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Frank Welker as Gogo Rob Paulsen as Fowlmouth Cree Summer as Elmyra Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Edie McClurg as Winnie { If you thought Winnie's voice sounded familiar, it's probably because Edie McClurg was Grace the secretary in FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF -ed. } Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Disclaimer - The Humor In Today's Show Does Not Represent Anything That Was Ever Found In Any Way Funny By Anyone Who Ever Lived. Tag - Dizzy: "Show over!" ---------------------------------------- #166: PLAYTIME TOONS Airdate: 9/20/91 "Happy Birthday Hamton" Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Art Leonardi [ BBHP ] "Fit To Be Toyed" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Art Leonardi [ Montana ] [ Is Cooksey's voice dropping on us? -NS ] "Strung Along Kitty" Story by Sherri Stoner Written by Charlie Howell Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Furrball, Mary, Buster, Beeper ] [ We've waited a long time for more Furrball (basically since 'Optical Intrusion'). It was worth the wait. -NS ] Music by Ron Grant, Albert Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Fifi [ ?? ] Frank Welker as Furrball Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Congratulations! You Have Just Wasted A Half Hour Of Your Life. Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOWWRRR--meow!" ---------------------------------------- #170: TOON PHYSICS Airdate: 11/04/91 [ Amusing premise, but it's pretty mediocre when the gag credit is funnier than anything else in the show. OTOH, that was a really good gag credit. -TS ] { This one is worth watching for Orson Whales. A promising character! -ed. } "Once Upon a Star" Story by Tom Ruegger Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Art Leonardi [ Elmyra, Barbette cameos: Jiminy Cockroach, Orson Whales] [ Remake of "Pig-ment of His Imagination" with Elmyra. The Jiminy Cockroach scene was great, though. -TS ] "A Cub for Grub" Written by Dale Hale Directed by Art Leonardi [ Furrball, Sneezer cameo: Orson Whales ] [ Timing seemed off to me through the whole segment. (Why, oh, why does Furrball keep taking these lousy parts?? :-) -TS ] "The Year Book Star" Written by Chris Otsuki & Dale Hale Directed by Art Leonardi [ Buster, Plucky cameos: Him again, everyone ] Music by Fred Steiner Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Sneezer Frank Welker as Furrball Cree Summer as Elmyra Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Animation Services - Akom Productions Co. Top 5 "Toon Physics" Facts: 5. "Cub For Grub" Becomes Funny When You Watch It Backwards. 4. Sneezer Is Actually A 45 Year Old Man. 3. Barky Marky Was In This Episode. 2. The Boy In The Orange Hat Is Actually Danny Bonaduce. 1. We Wanted Carl Sagan To Do The Wraparounds, But He Snubbed Us. Go Figure. { Yessss!! -ed. } Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ---------------------------------------- #179: ACME CABLE TV Airdate: 11/11/91 Written by Paul Dini, Tom Ruegger, Nicholas Hollander & Peter Hastings Co-directed by David West Directed by Alfred Gimeno [ Everyone ] { As good as or better than KACME TV. A Must See Episode(tm)! -ed. } "The Babsy and Buswinkle Show" { Ouch! Rocky & BW were spared *no mercy* here ... -ed. } [ One thing has been bugging me about this parody. Babs' line, "Gee, Buswinkle, with all these dated 60's references, we won't have much of a life in reruns!" And I can almost hear, "...with all these dated 90's references ..." -KP ] (commercial: Foot Loops cereal) "The Cat Who Thought He Was a Hammerhead Shark" { And the Disney swipes get more and more vicious! They also pegged the narrator's voice perfectly -ed. } "Flassie" "The Possum Swamp Pauper" [ Yup, the possum said "inbred" ... -FWS ] "Toonywood Squares" { Buster's joke about Elmyra's brain was outrageous. Monty's quizzical looks during the Byron Basset question were great! For the very best in TTA animation, call Tokyo Movie Shinsa ... -ed. } "Grossanne" { Some cheap shots here, didn't like it. Although the National Anthem reference was *quite* warranted. :-) -ed. } (commercial: Bungle Boy Jeans) "The Gogosby Show" "Incredible Discoveries" [ Anyone catch Furrball stirring the hot tar with the sack of feathers nearby during "Incredible Discoveries"? -TS { As well as Hamton plucking the chicken! -ed. } ] Music by Mark Watters Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hampton [sic] Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Gogo Rob Paulsen as Blink Winkleman Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Kathy Souci as Sneezer {note the y!} Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsa Co., Ltd. The Characters In This Program Are Ficticious, And Any Similarity To Any Real Person Is Purely Coincidental, Etc, Etc. So Don't Sue Us, OK? Thanks. Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ---------------------------------------- #173: BUSTER AND BABS GO HAWAIIAN Airdate: 11/18/91 Written by Renee Carter, Sarah Creef, Amy Crosby [ Everyone (and I mean everyone) but Furrball, Calamity, Beeper ] { This is the long-awaited episode written by the three 8th-grade girls who are now no doubt enjoying unlimited wealth and fame ... :-) And if you only see one or two Must See Episodes(tm) this year ... you need to get out more. No no, that came out wrong. See this one! -ed. } { Who directed it?? We do know that Spielberg personally worked with the girls on this one ... perhaps he's an uncredited director? Nawwwww ... or is it possible? -ed. } [ Once it got going ... wow!! I have to wonder just how much (or little) of the final dialogue was actually written by the credited writers. -KP { Considering how truly fresh and inspired the whole thing was, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt ... -ed. } ] { More references and highlights than you can shake a stick at. A sampling: Nicholas Hollander, Paul Dini & Sherri Stoner playing cards (catch the LITTLE MERMAID poster!) Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman from HOOK BACK TO THE FUTURE's Doc Brown sitting next to George Lucas (in Vader garb) Andrew Lloyd Webber in cat costume (reference to Spielberg's upcoming animated version of CATS) The "Disney Invaders" video game (What appeared to be) the girls' original storyboarding The JAWS beach scene re-enactment } Airplane cabin: [ The first guy on the end (this would be the largish guy with round glasses) is Joe Alaskey, and the woman to his left is Tress MacNeille. -WB ] [ Buster and Babs sit behind Charlie Adler ... -JfK ] [ Did anyone else catch Bugs' "Discovury" card, as in the space shuttle? -RD ] { BTW, the Spielberg-playing-vidgames gag was a reference to SS having his own personal video game arcade in his house at Universal Studios ... Buster riding the waves was fantastic! Tokyo at its FINEST. FYI: Plucky's line, "Only Warner Bros. would throw a luau inside a volcano" is a stab at Warner's box-office bomb JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO. (Now is that an obscure reference or what? :-) (Thanks to Will Bell for confirming my suspicions) -ed. } Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Don Messick as Hamton Joe Alaskey as Plucky Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Frank Welker as Furrball Gail Matthius as Shirley Danny Cooksey as Monty Cree Summer as Elmyra Rob Paulsen as Arnold Kath Souci as Sneezer Greg Burson as Bugs Bunny Steven Spielberg as Himself Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha [sic] Co., Ltd. Please Mail Your Unsolicited Manuscripts Along With A Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope To: Some Other Show! { A fitting gag credit, considering how many goofy scripts they're undoubtedly going to be innundated with after this ... -ed. } Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" [ Surprise, surprise! ] ---------------------------------------- #174: HENNY YOUNGMAN DAY Airdate: 11/22/91 [ Henny Youngman's bits are the only good parts of this episode. A shattering failure all around. -CA ] "Stand-Up and Deliver" Written by Sherri Stoner Directed by Jon McClenahan [ BBHP, Robin Killems ] [ Remember that saccharine sweetness that was so prevalent the first week of the second season? It's baaaaaccck. -CA ] { The Emo Philips squirrel was definitely a highlight, however -ed. } "The Potty Years" Written by Tom Ruegger Directed by Jon McClenahan [ Little Plucky, Plucky's Parents, cameos: Furrball, Byron Bassett ] [ Inexcusible. -CA ] [ I thought it was the funniest TT short ever. -JW ] { This was just a sampling of the extremely dichotomized opinions regarding this short. The advocates enjoyed and related to the depiction of a child's "formative years", while the naysayers couldn't find anything that remotely resembled TINY TOONS in it. :-) -ed. } "Lame Joke" Written by Shecky Hollander, Boom-Boom Stoner Directed by Jon McClenahan ^^^^^^^^^ [ BBHP, Henny Youngman ] [ Lived up to its title. -CB ] Music by Steve Bramson Starring the voices of: Henny Youngman as Henny Youngman Tress MacNeille as Babs Charlie Adler as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Maurice LaMarche as Robin Killems Frank Welker as Furrball Nathan Ruegger as Little Plucky Animation Services - StarToons Top Four Henny Youngman "Savers": 4. Here's Another One You May Not Like. 3. How Can You People Sleep With The TV On? 2. Two, Three, Four ... Is Anyone Still Watching? 1. We Will Pray Silently For The Episode That Just Died. Tag - Little Plucky: "I wanna flush it again!" ---------------------------------------- #172: LOVE DISCONNECTION Airdate: 11/25/91 "My Dinner With Elmyra" (double length short) Written by Paul Dini Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Monty, Elmyra, Monty's mom cameos: everyone ] [ I felt it was a bit out of character for Elmyra to be aware of both her physical and social appearance; e.g. trying to stifle her "hug you and squeeze you" personality to impress Monty. This one almost made me feel sorry for Elmyra -- almost. -VGR ] { Watch for the EDWARD SCISSORHANDS reference ... -ed. } [ "The Adventures of Fido and Mewmew" is a total swipe of the British kiddie-movie, "The Adventures of Milo and Otis". -RJ ] "The Amazing Three" Written by Arleen Sorkin and Beth Milstein Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Babs, Shriley, Fifi, Buster, Dizzy, Hamton, Plucky ] [ All three of them look STUNNING! WOW! If you like these ladies, this is a "miss this and you're dirt" episode. -JSW ] [ Without a doubt, Dizzy eating a stealth bomber is *begging* to be scanned. -VGR ] [ Incidentally, "The Amazing Three" was the title of a Japanese cartoon back around '68. It was about three galactic policemen who came to Earth to stop warmongering maniacs with the help of their human friend Kenny. The aliens were a rabbit, a duck, and ... a horse. (Can't win 'em all) -JfK ] Music by Mark Watters Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Danny Cooksey as Monty Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Gogo Rob Paulsen as Fowlmouth Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Mitzi Kath Souci as Fifi Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsa Co. Ltd. Don't Tell Anyone - Fifi Is Secretly Engaged To Paul Dini. { It's been confirmed that this does not mean that Kath Souci and Paul Dini have a thing going; it's purely a furry animal fetish :-) -ed. } Tag - Elmyra: "Let the show begin!" ---------------------------------------- #184: KON DUCKI Airdate: 02/10/92 Written by Sherri Stoner, Peter Hastings, Stephen Hibbert Storyboard by Eddie Fitzgerald, Jim Fletcher, Enrique May, Rusty Mills Directed by Rich Arons [ Plucky, Buster, Hamton, Sweetie Cameos: Calamity, Fifi, Shirley, Sneezer ] { I've never been bombarded with so much Seventies' nostalgia in my life! Lots of good moments in this one, including the "Making Of" segment in Act III. Plus, this is the first tolerable use of Sweetie to date. -ed. } [ "Day " cameos in Act I: Day 3: Gilligan and the Skipper Day 4: Mutiny on the Bounty. "This ib Mubiny, Mr. Christian, Mubiny!" Day 6: Jaws, of course Day 9: [The _Nautilus_ from] 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - RD ] [ [Re: Plucky's "P.S. 113" cap:] That is in fact a reference to director Rich Arons' grade school in New York City. Plucky's hat is supposed to have a different logo on it in every new scene (actually, a couple are re-used a few times) -- I contributed "1941" (I was just kidding, Steven!) and the anarchy symbol. Hey, ya gotta have *some* fun on the job! - JLw ] Music by William Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Candi Milo as Sweetie Gail Matthius as Shirley Kath Souci as Fifi Hal Rayle as Coast Guard [??] Captain Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsa Co. Ltd. Abba Spelled Backwards Is Abba Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ---------------------------------------- #185: SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD [or: "How They Could Possibly Do a Good TTA Without Either Charlie Adler OR Tress MacNeille" -KP ] Airdate: 2/17/92 Written by Deanna Oliver Storyboard by Barry Caldwell, Jim Fletcher, Ken Harsha, David Schwartz, Charles Visser, Pat Wong Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Monty, Elmyra, Hamton, Plucky, Furrball ] { In the tradition of CITIZEN MAX, another full-length film parody, this one of Billy Wilder's SUNSET BLVD. Sure, what 11-year-old wouldn't get a gut-busting laugh out of *this*? :-) Lots of great moments in this one. -ed. } [ Geez, they laid the fourth-wall jokes on THICK today! Hamton as the sadistic butler! Who needs "Fleche de Lard"? You think after this one, Furrball might take up bungee-jumping, just to relax? Overall: Not _quite_ "Citizen Max", but close. B+. -KP ] Music by Albert Lloyd Olson Starring the voices of: Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Monty Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Cooper Deville Animation Services - Akom Productions Co., Nelson Shin, President Moral Of The Story - Wipe Your Feet. Miss Elmyra's Hair & Make-Up By: Floyd The Barber { hey kids! *two* gag credits! -ed. } Tag - Elmyra: "Let the show begin!" ---------------------------------------- #177: TAKE ELMYRA PLEASE Airdate: 2/24/92 Story by Nicholas Hollander Written by M.D. Sweeney, John McCann Directed by Ken Boyer [ Elmyra & her new teevee family, Furrball cameos: Buster & Babs ] { This was intended to be the pilot for the TTA spin-off ELMYRA'S FAMILY. Are the TTA folks trying to pander to the SIMPSONS success? If so, their attempt was largely uninspired and most *un*-toonlike -- the whole thing felt like a bad live-action TV movie! The footage lifted from KACME TV made me cringe. -ed. } [ What's with the rated-R semi-porn scene with Elmyra?!! -SN ] { You mean the fact that her bikini top didn't have any straps holding it up? -ed. } [ Overall I would give this episode a C+. It would be a D, but I just can't do that to a TMS show. -JL ] Starring the voices of: Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Furrball Matt Frewer as Mac Duff Soleil Moon Frye as Amanda Duff Whitby Hertford as Duncan Duff Tress MacNeille as Queegee { and Elmyra's mom, it sounded like } Rob Paulsen as George Stephen Bishop as Mailman { Matt Frewer is the brilliant Canadian actor behind Max Headroom and "Doctor, Doctor". And we all have fond memories of Soleil Moon Frye as TV's "Punky Brewster"... NOT! -ed. } Music by Albert Lloyd Olson Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsa Co., Ltd. Hey Kids! Did You Spot Waldo? [ Look closely at the Mr. Skullhead show. Waldo's there. (My girlfriend spotted him in the crowd scene on our second watching.) -AMG ] { Note to myself: Never underestimate the gag credit! -ed. } ] Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR...meow!" ---------------------------------------- # : HOW I SPENT MY VACATION Released 3/11/92 to home video Running time: 80 minutes Written By Paul Dini, Nicholas Hollander, Tom Ruegger, Sherri Stoner Sequences Directed By Rich Arons, Byron Vaughns, Alfred Gimeno, Barry Caldwell, Ken Boyer, Art Leonardi, Kent Butterworth { An unmistakably positively quintessential etched-in-stone miss-it-and- face-public-disgrace Must See Episode(tm). You've never seen 80 minutes fly by so fast. -ed. } [ Absolutely incredible. Singlehandedly redeems the second season. Each of the divergent plot-lines is a riot, and the clever satire is back with a vengeance. -CA ] [ Now we know why the second season was so lackluster ... they dumped all their *good* gags into this film! -WB ] [ *Great!* Original music ... beautifully done plot transitions ... great celebrity parodies .... It's too good to miss. - TS ] [ The animation and humor in this video are TOTALLY DIFFERENT from WB Classic. Heck, only three WB stars (old stars, that is) have cameo roles, and only one speaking part! A great intro for folks who think TTA is just a lame copy of old Warner Brothers (NOT!) -JK ] { I lost it for the extended DELIVERANCE reference: the point-of-view pan under the possum's bridge, and the obvious take on the famous "Dueling Banjos". Squeeeeeeeeel! -ed. } [ Praise: the allusion to Das Rheingold at the end of the Little Mermaid sequence. -AMG ] [ That sphinx was Tom Ruegger, right? -KP ] [ It looked like Chuck Jones to me. That would be more appropriate, wouldn't it? -JB ] [ Pee-wee Herman was in the movie theatre; could he have been ... naw. -MH ] { Moment-Worth-Mentioning: the hilarious take-off on the promo for the Lucasfilm "THX" Theatre Sound System. Priceless! -ed. } [ I rather liked the way many of the sequences were linked together ... almost Monty-Python-ish. -BA ] [ When Elmyra shows her animal class a picture of "The most dangerous animal in the forest" (Kiss me! Kiss me! Kiss me!) and the animals scream -- look where the monkey is. -TH ] { Note that Babs' Lucy impersonation ("Oh Ricky, I wanna be in the showwww!") is two-two-TWO! references in one, being that Tress herself did the voice of Luthy on Weird Al Yankovic's single "Ricky" -ed. } { Note Babs' brief "Rowin'" song-n-dance -- in the span of about 10 seconds, they reference Tina Turner and LAUGH-IN. MST3K would be proud. :-) -ed. } [ Look at the back-drop/screen behind Babs and Buster when they're on stage. -TH ] Music Composed By Steve Bramson, Bruce Broughton, Don Davis, Albert Olson, Richard Stone, Steven James Taylor, Mark Watters Starring the Voice Talents of: Charlie Adler as Buster Bunny Tress MacNeille as Babs Bunny Joe Alaskey as Plucky Duck Don Messick as Hamton Pig Jonathan Winters as Wade Pig Edie McClurg as Winnie Pig Frank Welker as Uncle Stinky Cree Summer as Elmyra Sorrel Booke as Big Daddy Boo [ As a TTAUEC staffer mentioned, Sorrel Booke's most famous role is "Boss Hogg" from the old DUKES OF HAZZARD tv show. Guess the man has a thing for playing southern accents. -RJ ] Rob Paulsen as Foulmouth [sic] Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Devil Gail Matthius as Shirley the Loon Kath Souci as Fifi Candi Milo as Sweetie Reason This Movie Went Straight To Home Video: Cuz It's So Darned Good! Original Running Time: 8 Hours, 47 Minutes Hey, What About That Urkel Kid? Is He Funny Or What? First Theatrical Screening: June 8, 1991, Old Orchard Theatre, Skokie, Illinois Last Theatrical Screening: (Same As Above) This Film Has Been Edited For Your Protection. Do Not Back Up - Severe Tire Damage Sound Dimension Spatializer Man In Sound Recording Booth Who Pushes That Funny Red Button A Lot - Link Poonie Moral of the Story (Pick One): 1. Enjoy Your Vacation. 2. Relish Your Youth. 3. Don't Pick Up Chainsaw-Wielding Hitchhikers. 4. Feature Length Movies Should Not Have 18 Different Plots. Animation Production - Tokyo Movie Shinsa Co., Ltd. Additional Viking Dialogue - Jerry Van Dyke These End Credits - Are Interminable. Top 4 Reasons A Caricature Of David Letterman Is In This Video: 4. We Admire His Comedy Stylings. 3. We Wanted To Use Merv Griffin, But He Threatened To Sue. 2. We Needed Some Filler. 1. We're Brown-Nosing Weasels Who Want Him To Mention Us On His Show. Other Stuff Done By - Some Guy Named Bob. And That's The Final End Credit. We Lied. The Cast Buster Bunny ......................... Charlie Adler Babs Bunny ........................... Tress MacNeille Plucky Duck .......................... Joe Alaskey Hamton Pig ........................... Don Messick Wade Pig ............................. Jonathan Winters Winnie Pig ........................... Edie McClurg Uncle Stinky ......................... Frank Welker Elmyra ............................... Cree Summer Shirley the Loon ..................... Gail Matthius Fowlmouth ............................ Rob Paulsen Dizzy Devil .......................... Maurice LaMarche Fifi ................................. Kath Souci Sweetie .............................. Candi Milo Big Daddy Boo ........................ Sorrel Booke Big Boo .............................. Tress MacNeille Sissy Boo ............................ Gail Matthius Little Boo ........................... Kath Souci Byron Basset ......................... Frank Welker Johnny Pew ........................... Rob Paulsen Mary Melody .......................... Cree Summer Furrball ............................. Frank Welker Banjo The Woodpile Possum ............ Rob Paulsen Tupelo Toad .......................... Joe Alaskey Sneezer .............................. Kath Souci Little Beeper ........................ Frank Welker Mr. Hitcher .......................... Rob Paulsen Valhalla ............................. As Himself Superman Created By Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster Copyright and Trademark DC Comics, Inc. Our Only Regret: Joe Piscopo "Waiting For The Clock / Tiny Toon Adventures Vacation Main Title Theme" Music: Bruce Broughton Lyrics: Tom Ruegger & Wayne Kaatz "Beneath The Ocean" and "Happy World Land Anthem" Music: Bruce Broughton Lyrics: Paul Dini "Tiny Toon Adventures End Title Theme" Music: Bruce Broughton Lyrics: Sherri Stoner Woman Who Cleans Studio - Queegee Bananahoe The Characters In This Photoplay Are Fictitious. Any Similarity To Persons Living, Dead, or Undead, For That Matter, Is Purely Coincidental. Suggested Retail Price - $19.95 Without Rebate With Rebate - About A Buck And A Quarter Color By TECHNICOLOR DOLBY STEREO Tag - Byron: [sniff sniff sniff] "Woof." ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronological Listing of Episodes: THIRD SEASON (1992-1993) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #182: TOONS FROM THE CRYPT Airdate: 00/00/92 (never aired) { This is the famous "lost episode" of TTA, a fully-completed episode with shorts and linking material inspired by HBO's "Tales From The Crypt", which was rejected by Fox's Standards & Practices department (a.k.a. censors). Incidentally, the voice of the HBO Cryptkeeper is none other than John Kassir! (Oh, the sweet irony of Kassir doing Buster doing Kassir doing the Keeper ... :-) -ed. } One short from this episode has actually made it to air, courtesy of an obscure TTA spin-off series: "Wait Till Your Father Gets Even" (First aired 11/7/92 on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW) Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Ken Boyer [ Plucky, Hamton, Wade & Winnie Pig cameo: Uncle Stinky ] } { A second short from this null-episode, called "Night of the Living Pets", is due out on the TTA video compilation "Fiendishly Funny Adventures" in February 1994. Watch for it. -ed. } ------------------------------- #178: THIRTEENSOMETHING Airdate: 9/14/92 Written by Sherri Stoner Storyboard by Tony Craig & Jim Fletcher, Jon McClenahan & John Hayes, Lou Police, Brian Mitchell & Joey Banaszkiewicz Directed by John McClenahan [ Babs, Buster, Plucky, Shirley, Elmyra cameos: various celebs ] { For the new season, we see B&B sharing a smooch, Babs with cleavage, Plucky hitting on Shirley ... did the toons complete puberty during reruns? :-) -ed. } [ In case you blinked, that man tied up on Carson's sofa was Jay Leno -KP ] [ The influence of "Tootsie" abounded. "You could really use a facial wax" -- hee hee! -JfK ] [ { Regarding the VARIETOON "Hix Stix Nix Pix" headline: } The title comes from a well-known satirical novel of Hollywood called "Stix Nix Hix Pix." The phrase is borrowed from the Hollywood trade papers such as "Variety" and "Hollywood Reporter," which often invent their own words to supplement their stories. -EW ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Charlie Adler as Buster Gail Matthius as Shirley Rob Paulsen as Jason Danny Gans as Johnny Carson Valari [sic] Bromfield as Mary Hartless Roger Rose as David Letterman Animation Services - Startoons The Character of "Flint" Is In No Way Based On Flint Dille. Honest, Flint. No, Really ... [ If I remember correctly, Flint Dille wrote the screenplay to Spielberg's "An American Tail: Fievel Goes West" -VR { Apparently Dille is a well- known writer for animated TV and movies ... *I've* never heard of him :-) -ed. } ] Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #181: NEW CLASS DAY Airdate: 9/15/92 "Just-Us League of Supertoons" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Batduck, Decoy the Pig Hostage, Superbun, Wex Wuthor, Dasher, Hawkloon, Wonderbabs, Aquamutt, Pink Canary, Keen Arrow, Scentanna ] [ This one seemed very unoriginal, borrowing stuff from Vitello's "Bat's All Folks" and DC Comics continuity and hoping the whole thing would come together. -CA ] "Sound Off" Directed by Byron Vaughns Written by Paul Dini [ Buster, Babs, Dizzy, Fifi ] { This one was very cool. Got all the jabs at 30's-style animation down perfectly. I noticed the soundtrack couldn't resist lapsing back into Carl-Stalling-mode, though ... -ed. } [ Very "interesting". I was most amused by the nutty way the characters were drawn, especially Dizzy. Very close to the old Bosko cartoons. They compromised it with the cards, however. And the sound FX. -WB ] "A Night In Kokomo" Directed by Byron Vaughns Written by Sherri Stoner [ Babs as Groucho, Buster as Chico, Gogo as Harpo cameos: Plucky & Hamton ] [ Babs just goes absolutely wild. The casting is perfect, although both Plucky and Hamton suffered severe deja vu in their cameo appearances towards the end. -KP ] [ Again, very "interesting". Not many people can appreciate Marx Bros-type humor. You have to pay close attention or you will miss a lot of the jokes. Gogo as Harpo was very appropriate. (For a real cerebral challenge, watch one of the old movies -- I suggest "Duck Soup" as a starter.) -WB ] Music by William Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Monty Frank Welker as Gogo Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Black and White Is Cheaper To Paint Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Hawkman, Justice League, Superman and Wonder Woman are trademarks of D.C. Comics Inc. (c) 1992. All rights Reserved. Used with permission. Tag - Dizzy: "Show over!" ------------------------------- #190: FOX TROT Airdate: 9/16/92 { Yes, much to our collective chagrin, this episode *was* named after You-Know-Which-Network ... at least B&B lashed out with some irreverance ... -ed. } "My Brilliant Revenge!" Written by Peter Hastings Directed by Ken Boyer [ Plucky, Hamton cameo: Buster ] { Huh? Did a Fox executive write this one? I sat scratching my head through most of it. And Akom was getting weeeeird with the animation, too -- at one point Hamton's head looked like it was going to float off the chair ... -ed. } "Can't Buy Me Love" Directed by Ken Boyer Written by Deanna Oliver [ Elmyra, Furrball, Rhoda, Monty cameo: Calamity as "The Shlocketeer" ] [ I almost retched when she gave her little magic green elf friendship speech at the end. BLECH! ! ! ! And why did they go to all the trouble to get Sally Struthers just to say all of two lines? (Granted, she's probably working cheap. Or maybe even free.) -WB ] "Phone Call from the 405" Directed by Ken Boyer Written by Tom Ruegger [ Babs, Buster, Sneezer, Steven Spielberg ] { Awesome, I loved it! The whole thing felt like one big entre-act, which I actually kind of liked -- kind of a Letterman- or Shandling-esque breaking of convention. Frank Welker does a noble Spielberg impression, but if you close your eyes and think Fred from Scooby Doo it falls apart rather quickly :-) -ed. } [ Using Sneezer was so off-the-wall it was funny. NOTE: Buster finally admits: "You're the popular one!" SS's recreated chase scene was rather dull, however. -WB ] Music by Albert Lloyd Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Cree Summer as Elmyra Sally Struthers as Rhoda's Mom Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Sneezer Frank Welker as Steven Spielberg Animation Services - Akom Productions Co., Nelson Shin, President Steven's Car Phone # - 555-5555 (1.95 Per Minute) Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #189: WHAT MAKES TOONS TICK Airdate: 9/17/92 [ "What Makes Toons Tick"??? Terribly misleading title. "What Makes Viewers Sick" is more like it. Sorry, I can't even find any redeeming lines, mostly because I watched the first two shorts with the sound turned off. I think the less said the better. -KP ] "Whirlwind Romance" Written by Dale Hale Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Dizzy, Whirlwind, Mitzi & friends cameos: Buster, Calamity, Babs, Elmyra, Monty, Gogo ] { (Only) Notable moment: Gogo courting that blender! -ed. } "Going Up" Story by Tom Ruegger Written by Nicholas Hollander Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Little Plucky, Plucky's mom, Little Babs, Mr. Hitcher from HISMV cameos: Buster, Calamity ] { Argh! Not Little Plucky again! Well, at least we had some decent moments of TTA humor this time 'round -- rose the quality level from vomitous up to moderate nausea ... :-) -ed. } "Nothing To Sneeze At" Written by Beth Bornstein Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Sneezer, Oogie cameo: Buster, Calamity, Hamton ] { Loved the perspective-shift tracking shot. The extreme close-up of Sneezer at the end was classic. Thumbs up for this short! The other two get erased. -ed. } [ The VCR found the following monsters in Hell's unemployment line: Elmyra's vampire, Witch Hazel, the Hair Monster (Gossamer), a Gremlin, [ Melvin from "Hare Raising" -WB ], an Instant Martian, and Hugo the Abominable Snowman. Also, is it me or did the receptionist have a vague resemblance to the girl from BEETLEJUICE? -KP ] { I thought she looked more like Elvira -ed. } [ One thing really angered me! I've always thought that if Witch Hazel were ever to appear in a TTA episode, we'd at least be able to hear the real June Foray do the voice. So what happens? I've had to listen to June Foray's heinously inaccurate rendition of Granny, but for Witch Hazel, they don't want to bother! Ooo, dammit! Pathetic. -VGR ] Music by Fred Steiner With the voice talents of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Sneezer Rob Paulsen as Hiker Gail Matthius as Mitzi Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Nathan Ruegger as Little Plucky Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha [sic] Co. Ltd. What These Three Cartoons Have In Common: Nothing Tag - Little Plucky: "I wanna flush it again!" ------------------------------- #186: FLEA FOR YOUR LIFE Airdate: 9/18/92 Directed by Ken Boyer, Tony Craig Written by Wayne Kaatz [ Flio, Itchy & family, Boss Tick, Furrball, Byron, Elmyra cameos: Buster, Plucky ] [ I'm sorry, but this episode reminded me of (retch) Disney's Chip-n-Dale's Rescue Rangers, Boss Tick and all. Honestly, I tuned out (or, more like turned off the VCR) after the first act. -MK ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Cree Summer as Elmyra {and Itchy} Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Flick Jim Cummings as Papa Whitby Hertford as Flio Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co. Ltd. It Didn't Work On Paper - It Doesn't Work On Film Tag - Byron: [sniff sniff sniff] "Woof." ------------------------------- #097: RETURN OF BATDUCK Airdate: 9/19/92 (on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW, 10:00 am EST) { Gasp and drool! A Must See Episode(tm)! And really, what media-savvy animated series would be complete without a biting reference to T2? Although I wish we could've heard Arnie say "he's mehd of liquid mehtal" ... :-) -ed. } Written by Peter Hastings Storyboards by Jim fletcher, Eddie Fitzgerald, Rusty Miller, Jenny Lerew Directed by Rich Arons [ Plucky, Hamton, Tim Burton, Buster, Babs cameos: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sean Young, Kevin Costner as Robin Hood, and more! ] [ Originally, this was supposed to air in prime-time to coincide with the release of BATMAN RETURNS, and it's pretty obvious that they were expecting a larger adult audience than they would have in a Saturday am slot. (Come on, what kid's gonna get the Sean Young joke?) -JfK ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voice talents of: Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton John Kassir as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Frank Welker as Guard Jeff Bennett as Kevin Costner Maurice LaMarche as Tim Burton Cree Summer as Elmyra Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Plucky's Cape Provided By - Siegfried & Roy Batman and all related elements are the property of (C) 1992 DC Comics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Tag - Plucky: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ------------------------------- #193: TOONS TAKE OVER Airdate: 9/21/92 Written by Peter Hastings Storyboards by Barry Caldwell, Charles Visser, Ken Mitchroney, Pat Wong, Keith Tucker, Ed Baker Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Cooper deVille ] [ Oh, dear. It seems they finally went too far with the in-jokes. Maybe not *the* most disappointing episode ever ("Duck Dodgers Jr." still holds that mark), but nevertheless, I was not terribly thrilled. [There was a scene cut] of Paul Dini jumping out his window after being confronted with the massive script. Someone here got that straight from Dini himself, as I recall. 'Zounds! I prithee pray thee, knave, take thine arms hence and thence and bestoweth thy freedom on this, the fair maiden-at-arms." "You talkin' to me?" No accounting for taste from those kids ... -KP ] Music by Albert Lloyd Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Don Messick as Hamton Joe Alaskey as Plucky Rob Paulsen as Cooper deVille Gail Matthius as Sherri Stoner Maurice LaMarche as Board Artist Roger Rose as Reporter Andrea Romano as Andrea Romano The Magnificent { Andrea Romano is in charge of Casting and Voice Direction. -ed. } Animation Services - Freelance Animators, New Zealand Hey! We Lost A Paperclip! Whoever Took It, Give It Back Right Now! - Oh, Wait. We Found It. Nevermind. Tag - Buster & Babs: "Aloooooooha!" ------------------------------- #194: TWO-TONE TOWN Airdate: 9/28/92 Written by Deanna Oliver Storyboard by Joe Banaszkiewicz, Tony Craig, Brian Mitchell, Lou Police Directed by Ken Boyer [ Buster, Babs, Plucky, Foxy, Roxy, Goopy, Daffy, Yosemite Sam cameos: Porky, Foghorn, Pepe, Taz, Elmer ] { The conceptual pilot for TTA's next-of-kin, ANIMANIACS -- see a resemblance between AN's Yakko, Wakko & Dot and the three Warner two-tones who cause Buster and Babs to worry about their jobs? Gotta {love,double take on, wince at} that foreshadowing ... :-) -ed. } [ From what little I saw of the two-tones, I think these guys were a better choice than Bosko and Honey as stars-of-the-past-who-perhaps-deserve-a- second-chance. This "Goopy" guy -- I wouldn't be surprised if Disney had an absolute fit over him. And a lawsuit or two. I think this is made ever more likely as this character isn't half bad. -KP ] [ From _Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies - A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Warner Brothers Cartoons_ by Jerry Beck and Will Friedwald (If you don't have this book, for Gods sake! Go get it!), page 10-11: GOOPY GEAR (1932) In a crowded nightclub, everyone is asking for Goopy Gear, the star performer. Goopy, a piano-playing dog character, comes on stage and performs the number "I Have Not Studied Music." He sees three cats eating spaghetti and accompanies them to the tune of "The Sidewalks of New York." Goopy next performes "Tiger Rag" four handed - his two hands and two gloves! >From _The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Cartoon Animals_ by Jeff Rovin, page 98: FOXY Pedigree. Early cartoon character from Warner Brothers. Biography. A bipedal fox who looks like Mickey Mouse, except for his spats, fluffy tail, and ears - which are shaped like spades on playing cards. Foxy is an impatient, sometimes violent critter. At a saloon in his screen debut ("Lady Play Your Mandolin") he punches out his horse when the animal wants to dance. In his second cartoon (Smile, Darn Ya, Smile) he whips out a pin and punctures a heavyset woman who can't squeeze into a trolley. Foxy has an unnamed fox girlfriend who looks just like him. There were only three Foxy cartoons, all of them released in 1931. -MH ] [ To whoever looks for cameos, the guy at the end looked like Buddy Hackett. Buster looks grotesque in drag. Also Charlie Adler's southern accent is brain-melting. -JfK ] { The music, however, was absolutely splendid. Go back and watch it again, this time keeping an extra ear on the soundtrack. -ed. } Music by William Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Greg Burson as Daffy Maurice LaMarche as Yosemite Sam Robert Morse as Goopy Desiree Goyette as Roxy Rob Paulsen as Foxy Frank Welker as Big Lee Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd. Quote Of The Day - "Do You Like Our Butts And Ears Better Up Or Down?" Tag - Buster & Babs: "Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs." ------------------------------- #192: BUSTER'S DIRECTORIAL DEBUT Airdate: 11/02/92 "Fit To Be Stewed" (double length short) Written by Sherri Stoner, Nicholas Hollander Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Babs, Sandy Witch cameos: Furrball, Sweetie ] [ Babs turned into a common pet rabbit was too silly for words ("Babs! Say something!" >drink< >drink< >drink< ), and Buster's deadpans and facial expressions saved those very old jokes he told. B-) -RJ ] [ Yes, the first Witch Hazel cartoon appeared in 1954. And, in that cartoon, Bugs retrieves magic dust from behind an "In Case Of Emergency Break Glass" and hurls it at the witch. Deja vu blues! -WB ] "Ducklahoma" (First aired 9/28/92 on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW) Directed by Rich Arons Written by Peter Hastings [ Buster, Plucky, Shirley, Hamton, Elmyra cameos: Furrball, Babs ] { One of the finest shorts in a *looooong* time. Don't miss! -ed. } [ I'm split over whose solo was better, Plucky's or Elmyra's. As for the ending, sorry, I saw that coming. They're gonna have to be a little less obvious next time if they're gonna catch Ol' Blue Ears off-guard. -KP ] Music by Albert Lloyd Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Gail Matthius as Shirley Frank Welker as Furrball Candi Milo as Sweetie Sally Struthers as Sandy Witch Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co. Ltd. "Buster's Directorial Debut" Is Also Buster's Directorial Swan Song Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRR....meow!" ------------------------------- #195: WASHINGTOON Airdate: 11/04/92 Written by Nicholas Hollander Storyboards by Craig Armstrong, Marc Schirmeister, Glenn Vilppu, Sherilan Weinhart Directed by Alfred Gimeno [ everybody, president of "Adults Against Funny Cartoons" ] [ They really slammed Quayle HARD. Not that I'm complaining. Besides, there was that Ted Kennedy gag thrown in for balance. I nominate this episode for the "topical reference with shortest shelf-life" award. I can hear the clock ticking on this one already. I dread the day that I watch this with my kids, and have to explain to them who the blond guy is. -DM ] [ Hamton in a French Maid's Outfit? Where did THIS come from? I think I can understand why this ep was not shown yesterday. If I knew Dan Quayle was a Tiny Toons fan I wouldn't have voted for Clinton. :-) -APY { This episode was slated to air on November 3rd -- Election Day 1992 -- but was mysteriously re-scheduled at the last minute -ed. } ] Music by William Ross Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Frank Welker as Furrball Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Louise Duart as Barbara Walters Animation Services - Akom Productions Co., Nelson Shin, President Guess What We Are? A. Republicans B. Democrats C. As Of This Broadcast Being Investigated By The F.B.I. Tag - Gogo: "It's been surreal!" ------------------------------- #180: TOON TV Airdate: 11/09/92 Written by Rich Arons, Sherri Stoner, Peter Hastings Storyboards by Alfred Gimeno, Jim Fletcher, Rusty Mills Enrique May, Eddie Fitzgerald Directed by Rich Arons [ everybody, Mr. Hitcher, Vanilla Lice ] { Alright already! This one generated more extreme reactions than the (in)famous FIELDS OF HONEY, it seems. Personally I'd recommend it as a Must See Episode(tm) -- the MTV-style mockery was in full force, some *priceless* moments, and the Wang animation was spot-on. However, many folks were annoyed by the archaic choice of song material, the literal interpretations, the absence of They Might Be Giants -- in short, the departure from the slick attitude of TTMTV. It was reported that a TTA staff member, guesting at a convention, said it was their intent to move away from TTMTV's hip angle. Love it or hate it, you best check it out when it next airs ... -ed. } [ { Regarding gripes about stoopid song material: } I'm sure everybody out there could come up with killer songs that would be great to "do" MTV- (or TTA-) style. One hitch, though -- the companies [...] that OWN just about every great song you could think of, charge a LOT of money for the rights to use them in a television episode in their entirety. Our budgets are limited on TTA just as they are for every TV show. -JLw ] { Please note that while TINY TOON MUSIC TELEVISION's featured tracks by They Might Be Giants were not public domain like the songs in TOON TV (read: free), there was a connection in that TMBG are Warner artists -- the producers may have gotten a special package deal for that. Ms. Lerew noted that even though both TTA and TMBG lived under the same Warner umbrella, royalty costs and rights would normally still cost through the nose ... -ed. } [ The backgrounds for the Babs & Buster intro/linking segments were indeed crew members from the show ... including Sherri Stoner. I wouldn't let Rich videotape me, though. No way! :) -JLw ] [ Sherri Stoner ... appears just before the first song and right at the end. -ASF ] [ That's Paul Dini doing the wild takes right before her -- sorta chubby face ... -RD ] Act I: The Shoop-Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) - Betty Everett [ Nice imagery, and a nice parody of Superman and Lois. -KP ] [ The mermaid is probably a reference to the fact that the song was revived by Cher in the movie "Mermaids". -EVL ] "Video Game Blues" (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy & Russian Dance from Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker Suite") (First aired 9/26/92 on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW) { ObAmigaPlug: Animation director Rusty Mills used an Amiga 3000 to render the wireframe animations of Plucky's spaceship and the Martian spaceships. Mills strived to achieve a "lifelike" cartoon effect with squash-n-stretch, rapid motion and snaps -- all done inside the Amiga -- instead of settling for the cold, unnatural feel usually found with other computer animation. Amiga IS pure computing satisfaction! -ed. } [ The design of Plucky's father in that short was changed into a duck- caricature of -- Eddie Fitzgerald! Incidentally, Eddie has probably been the most-caricatured TTA staffer in Tiny Toons ... I wonder how many sharp- eyed viewers have noticed? [In FIELDS OF HONEY, for instance], an entire audience is comprised of laughing Eddies (he has one of the all-time great guffaws). -JLw ] Act II: Nothing Comes Close To You - Skinhead O'Connell { This isn't exactly how the title's really spelled, but I just *can't* give it away before you see it -ed. } [ It takes forever to build up to, and the joke's pretty obscure, but if you get it, it's an `A'. -CA ] "The Name Game" { Ralph (Bakshi?) from THE BUSTER BUNNY BUNCH makes an appearance -ed. } [ "The Name Game" was done for the show way before songs were picked for the Tiny Toon album, not the other way 'round. And incidentally, originally the "chorus" sang: "let's do 'Plucky'!, and Elmyra responds: "IIIII don't think soooooo ...", but this was taken out as being too "leading" -- I *think* by Fox BS&P [Bureau of Standards & Practices] -JLw ] Toon Out, Toon In - Vanilla Lice { Complete with the grainy samples. Oh, this was a gem! This more than redeems them for Gang Busters ... (although Joe Alaskey really needs to learn some rhythm) -ed. } [ This one was final proof that Nick Sayer was wrong. White toons *CAN* rap -- they just don't necessarily get it right the first time. I didn't want this one to end, and it didn't have to. They had Shirley and Fifi to go! Heck, they could have done Sweetie! And Fowlmouth! And Mary! And Arnold! And Concord! And Bookworm! And ... (gasp, choke, kindly remove your hands from my throat, I'll stop) -KP ] Act III: Do You Love Me? (How I Learned To Dance) - The Contours [ Brilliant implied reference to the prom episode. Buster turns the tables on Babs in 12 minutes flat! And the tail end ... what is it that I love so much about seeing Babs embarrassed? YES! -KP ] [ The never-ending reprises and the snooty interpretation of the lyrics was a highlight. A. -CA ] Yakkity Yak - The Coasters (First aired 9/26/92 on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW) { The storyboarding had a lot of energy -- tons o' fun. Watch for HISMV's Mr. Hitcher -ed. } Music by Bruce Broughton Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Gogo Rob Paulsen as Vanilla Lice Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Gail Matthius as Shirley Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Name Inadvertently Omitted In "The Name Game" - Plucky { BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! -ed. } [ I love it! I can just picture eight-year-olds all over the country doing "Plucky" in front of their parents. -KP ] Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #187: GRANDMA'S DEAD Airdate: 11/10/92 Written by Deanna Oliver Storyboards by Glenn Vilppu Directed by Alfred Gimeno Co-directed by David West [ Elmyra & family, Furrball, Byron ] { While I disapprove of the formula-TV style of these defunct "Elmyra's Family" episodes, I must admit that this one had some funny moments. Worth a look-see, but both this and the pilot TAKE ELMYRA PLEASE should get as little encouragement from us as possible ... -ed. } [ Someone at TTA is a Carol Burnett fan ... first Vicki Lawrence High (in THIRTEENSOMETHING) and now Harvey Korman Elem. Weird continuity though -- isn't Elmyra a student at Acme Loo?! The skullhead thing is too surreal for words. -WB ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Cree Summer as Elmyra Frank Welker as Byron Tress MacNeille as Mom Matt Frewer as Mac Duff Soliel [sic] Moon Frye as Amanda Duff Fran Ryan as Grandma Whitby Hertford as Duncan Duff Beverly Archer as Kleinerman Roger Rose as Taxi Driver Dan Castellaneta as Jeffries Animation Services - Akom Productions Co., Nelson Shin, President TV Guide Said That Writer, Deanna Oliver, Was "Deliciously Clever" - But That Was Another Episode. Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR...meow!" ------------------------------- #191: MUSIC DAY Airdate: 11/11/92 { That's right! It's a Must See Episode(tm)! -ed. } [ Absolutely one of the strongest shorts-days of the entire series. Amazing it should come down the pike in the otherwise feeble third season! -CA ] [ Well, much more laffs per minute than any other 3rd season so far. Even my wife watched all 3 acts. Now THAT's QUALITY!! -WB ] All shorts directed by Alfred Gimeno, co-directed by David West "Ruffled Ruffee" Written by Sherri Stoner Story by Tom Ruegger [ Buster, Ruffee, an endless sea of young zombies ] [ Oh, the Raffi parody was dead on. I wouldn't wish his music even on those little screaming heathen children at McDonald's. The crowd of kids mindlessly swooning back 'n forth to his crooning was too much. -WB ] [ Didn't ya just love the reference to the classic Bugs routine in "Long Haired Hare" (i.e. Buster takes his hands out of his gloves to do something else; the hands go blissfully on). Also loved the message: ROCK 'N' ROLL! -TN ] [ Look at the faces on the kids when Ruffee is singing to them. To me, they look almost *exactly* like the face of a kid named Ralph Phillips, from Chuck Jones' "From A to Z-Z-Z" (and I believe, at least one other cartoon whose title(s) escape me at this moment.) Same dreamy, kinda goofy expression. -TN ] "The Horn Blows At Lunchtime" Written by Chris Ostuki, Tom Ruegger { Now *this* is what I like to see: a thoroughly sophomoric premise turned into a loony 7-minute *gem*. Kudos to Gimeno and writer Chris Ostuki -- well directed and written. The look on Dizzy's face is destined to become a GIF'd classic ... -ed. } [ Favorite side-gag: Buster and Babs breaking out the popcorn and watching the food fight with interest. -RJ ] [ Dang it, they are just going to keep doing that theme song every which way until the thing falls apart, aren't they? -KP ] "Loon Lake" Written by Paul Dini [ "Monteo and Julieidiot". BWAHAHA!! Quite possibly the best use of Shirley since ... well, maybe ever. Though I wish that when Shirley had said she'd "rise above" the swans, she had meant that literally. -KP ] [ Ever notice [Dini]'s ability to create stories with genuine emotional pull? It's amazing. I also like hearing Babs doing her psycho laugh. - CA ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Rob Paulsen as Ruffee Kath Souci as Sneezer Tress MacNeille as Babs Gail Matthius as Shirley Animation Services - Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co. Ltd. Just Between Us - Letterman Should Have Gotten The Carson Gig Tag - Fifi: "Au revoir, my petit potato du couch!" ------------------------------- #196: THE HORROR OF SLUMBER PARTY MOUNTAIN Airdate: 11/12/92 Written by Paul Dini Directed by Greg Reyna Storyboard By Rusty Mills, Eddie Fitzgerald, Jim Fletcher and Jenny Lerew [ Elmyra, Mistress Who's A Dork; Buster, Furrball, Babs, Fifi, Shirley, Hamton, Plucky, One-Eyed Jack ] [ Incidentally, this was the last TTA episode to be produced (with the exception of the two "specials", RETURN OF BATDUCK and the Christmas episode). By the time my unit had finished it in September of last year (!), the rest of the staff had moved on to developing ANIMANIACS, where we joined them later. -JLw ] Music by Steve Bramson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler/ John Kassir as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Fifi Frank Welker as One-Eyed Jack Gail Matthius as Shirley Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Elmyra's Wardrobe By: Miss Take Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRR....meow!" ------------------------------- #183: SPORTS SHORTS Airdate: 11/13/92 "Minister Golf" (First aired 10/3/92 on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW) Written by Tom Ruegger Directed by Alfred Gimeno Co-directed by David West [ Buster, Babs, Hamton, Plucky, Little Plucky, Plucky's dad cameo: Little Babs ] [ Anyone want to start an in-depth analysis of why folks are so vehemently divided on Baby Plucky shorts? I don't think there's anyone who's indifferent to BP; either you like him or you hate him. -RJ ] "The Undersea World of Fifi" (double-length short) Written by Peter Hastings Directed by Alfred Gimeno Co-directed by David West [ Fifi, Elmyra, Hamton, Plucky ] [ I have been wondering what the heck is going on with Fifi anyway. I mean, she was fairly visible in the first season, but these past two seasons ... "The Amazing Three" and the slumber party episode are the only two with any really good Fifi exposure. The undersea episode? What an insult! They take an idea that could have given her both great lines and lots of visibility and turn it into nothing but an Elmyra double-short! Finally, again, as has been pointed out, I was severely disappointed Fifi didn't get mentioned in the rap song on the TOON TV episode. -DP ] Music by Eric Schmidt Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Cree Summer as Elmyra Kath Souci as Fifi Frank Welker as Gogo Don Messick as Hamton Sue Blu as Sphinxy Nathan Ruegger as Little Plucky Animation Services - Akom Productions Co., Nelson Shin, President Appearing As Sea Monkeys: Brine Shrimp Recipe For "Brine Shrimp La Fume" 8,000 Tsp. Brine Shrimp 1 Clove Garlic, 1/2 lb. Butter Boil Brine Shrimp Until Screaming. Mix With Other Ingredients And Beat Into Hysteria. Serve On A Tennis Court. Tag - Little Plucky: "I wanna flush it again!" ------------------------------- #188: WEEKDAY AFTERNOON LIVE Airdate: 11/16/92 Written by Peter Hastings, Deanna Oliver, Paul Dini Storyboards by Jim Fletcher, Rusty Mills, Enrique May, Eddie Fitzgerald Directed by Rich Arons [ Buster, Babs, Plucky, Hamton, Sneezer, Sweetie, Elmyra, Monty, Dizzy, Blard Simpleton cameos: Furrball, Barky Marky, Elmer, Calamity ] [ Obviously some or most TTA fans aren't old enough or have never seen older episodes of SNL to appreciate this much. They managed to take some of the best sketches of all 18 years of SNL and parody them. The way the opening [titles] was drawn with the music was very well done. The Cornheads was really neat - even got the voices/laughs about right. I didn't like the Lounge Lizard one very much, but I didn't like Murray/Shaffer in the original. Gogo doing Weekday Update for the Wacky Impaired was a great tie to Garrett Morris' version in the original. Elmyra was a perfect Emily Litella. Go watch the old tapes of SNL some more if you didn't like this episode. And thank God they left out the junk from the 1981-1985 seasons. -MBz ] Music by David Slonaker Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs { also Blard, I'm guessing } Joe Alaskey as Plucky Don Messick as Hamton Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Cree Summer as Elmyra Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Frank Welker as Furrball Kath Souci as Sneezer Candi Milo as Sweetie Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co. Ltd. We Thought This Would Be Funny - But Noooooooo! Tag - Dizzy: "Show over!" ------------------------------- #176: A CAT'S EYE VIEW Airdate: 11/17/92 "Little Dog Lost" Written by Paul Dini Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Byron, Girl, Elmyra ] "Party Crasher Plucky" (First aired 9/26/92 on THE PLUCKY DUCK SHOW) Story by Sherri Stoner Written by George McGrath Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Plucky, Shirley cameos: Buster, Babs, Hamton ] [ Good start, but dribbled off near the end. I knew something was up when the script went into "gratuitous celebrity cameo jokes" mode. "Fly girls", indeed. Good stuff: Buster's centerfold in his locker & Babs' reaction; Shirley the Loon meets Shirley MacLaine (tho it was too short!) -RJ ] [ Party guests include: Jeffrey Katzenberg and entourage, Loni Anderson & Burt Reynolds, Arsenio, Kevin Costner, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Mike Tyson, Cher, Michael Keaton. The guest list reads: 1 Clint Eastwood Mayor 2 Benji Dog 3 Whoopi Goldberg Actress 4 Howie Mandel Loon 5 Robin Williams Actor 6 Dolly Parton Actress 7 Patrick Swayze Boxer 8 Byron Vaughns Artiste 9 Julia Childs Cook 10 Donald Trump [obscured] Plucky impersonates Sly Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Pee Wee Herman. -WB ] "Homeward Bound" Story by Tom Ruegger Written by Nicholas Hollander & Sherri Stoner Directed by Byron Vaughns [ Furrball, kitty friends ] [ Hey! An "alternative" Tiny Toons short (a.k.a. "The Kite" and "Strung Along Kitty") that I actually liked! I guess it was because, unlike the other efforts, this one did not have a pat, Disneyesque ending. -RJ ] Music by Mark Watters Starring the voice talents of: Frank Welker as Furrball Cree Summer as Elmyra Joe Alaskey as Plucky Gail Matthius as Shirley Tress MacNeille as Babs Charlie Adler as Buster Don Messick as Hamton Animation Services - Akom Productions Co., Nelson Shin, President Sherri Stoner's Favorite Gag - That John Candied-Yam Bit Tag - Furrball: "ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRR....meow!" ------------------------------- #175: BEST OF BUSTER DAY Airdate: 11/23/92 [ Charlie Adler writing cartoons? Well, they were pretty darn good Buster cartoons -- ok, pretty good all-around cartoons, at that! `Class Without Class' wasn't that outstanding -- plus once they got to the electric chair scene, Buster's voice totally changed! -JfK ] "Compromising Principals" Directed by Rich Arons Written by Charlie Adler, Garin Wolf [ Bugs, Buster, Babs, Plucky, Yosemite Sam, Miss Conduct cameo: Barky Marky ] "Maid to Re-Order" Directed by Rich Arons Written by Charlie Adler, Garin Wolf [ Bugs, Buster, Babs, Monty, Grovelly & family ] "Class Without Class" Directed by Rich Arons Written by Paul Dini [ Bugs, Buster, Dizzy, Taz cameo: Adults Against Funny Cartoons ] Music by Albert Lloyd Olson Starring the voices of: Charlie Adler/John Kassir as Buster Tress MacNeille as Babs Joe Alaskey as Plucky Danny Cooksey as Monty Maurice LaMarche as Dizzy Greg Burson as Bugs Bunny Animation Services - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Hey! We Won An Emmy! (But Not For This Episode.) Tag - Buster: "And that's a wrap!" ------------------------------- #098: IT'S A WONDERFUL TINY TOONS CHRISTMAS Airdate: 12/6/92 (7:00 pm EST on Fox) { A Must See Episode(tm) -ed. } Written by Sherri Stoner & Deanna Oliver Storyboard by Mike Gerard, Byron Vaughns, Neal Sternecky, Kathy Carr Produced by Tom Ruegger & Sherri Stoner Directed by Tom McClenahan [ everybody ] [ guests and cameos include: Cher, Bob Hope, William Shatner, Luke Perry, Madonna, Porky & Petunia, Pepe & Penelope, Steven Spielberg, Whoopi Goldberg, Billy Crystal & Robin Williams ] { A wonderful final episode. Kassir pulls through with high marks! And one of the most important loose ends in the show -- Buster & Babs -- is finally resolved. (Look at me, I'm all misty-eyed ...) Best quip: "I feel like I'm in a bad episode of Quantum Leap!" References up the WAZOO. A paltry sampling: The Norelco santa The Burl Ives snowman from "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" Citizen Kane How The Grinch Stole Christmas Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers Various other Disney swipes Van Gogh's _Starry Night_ OH GOD (the George Burns voice speaking to Harvey) "Zuzu's Petals" perfume Buster & Babs Go Hawaiian (Robin Williams flying by in HOOK garb) A Charlie Brown Christmas ... and many more. } [ Did anyone else notice the Channukia (Chanukah candles) in Hamton's window? Seems ironic to me that the one Jewish toon is the blatantly non-Kosher toon! -NP ] [ I about fell off the couch when I realized that Hamton is Jewish!! Well, of course he's not going to eat pork ... -SS ] [ I'm not positive, but I *think* Bill Shatner's appearance, doing an acappella version of "The Little Drummer Boy", was a reference to his real-life stunt, doing a "dramatic reading" of Elton John & Bernie Taupin's "Rocket Man" on a sci-fi awards show some 10 years ago -JLw ] [ After the Cher skit, and Cher is on the ice in a pirahna-chewed outfit, she says: "Hey! I love this! Eat your heart out Bob Mackey!" Bob Mackey is a designer of high-fashion, including something called "The Neptune Look" -GM ] [ Notice that Harvey had a voice similar to Jimmy Stewart. Were Arnold and Sneezer as cops supposed to be Bert & Ernie from "It's a Wonderful Life"? -CBz ] [ "Not bad ... for amateurs." - Bugs Bunny And so we have come full circle. We start in prime time, we finish in prime time. We start with an intro by Bugs, we finish with a comment by Bugs. Let's do another lap real soon. -KP ] Music by Richard Stone Starring the voices of: Tress MacNeille as Babs John Kassir as Buster Joe Alaskey as Plucky Danny Cooksey as Montana Max Dan Castellaneta as Harvey Cree Summer as Elmyra Don Messick as Hamton Kath Souci as Sneezer Frank Welker as Furrball Rob Paulsen as Arnold Gail Matthius as Shirley Greg Burson as Porky Valri Bromfield as Fran Maurice LaMarche as The Parum-Pum Man Animation Services - Startoons Stop Watching These Credits And Go Buy Us A Really Nice Gift! Tag - Gogo: "Season's Greetings!" ------------------------------- And as always, your host for this evening: ============================================================================== vince mora aka net.veteran.since.1990 http://www.swcp.com/synth/ synth oberheim synthmedia ltd rocks the www! mailto:synth@swcp.com ============================================================================== "Meanwhile, our hero stopped at a Stuckey's to get a salted nut roll!"